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28 февраля 2019 г.

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года

Официально форма «Манчестер Юнайтед» для сезона 2019/2020 будет представлена в мае 2019. Однако, в сети пока появились несколько фотографий прототипа домашней и запасной футболки команды, на основании которых можно сделать представление о будущем внешнем виде обмундирования «Красных дьяволов».

В начале апреля произошла утечка информации и фото новой формы «Манчестер Юнайтед» 2019/2020 от компании Adidas проявилось в сети Интернет. Вскоре после этого редакторы популярной серии игр Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) у себя в Твиттере опубликовали комплект домашней экипировки. Ожидается, что именно так будет выглядеть основная футболка в реальности.

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

Создателем новой формы для «Манчестер Юнайтед» в 2019 году являются дизайнеры немецкого производителя спортивной одежды Adidas. Команда сотрудничала с компанией еще в 80-90-х годах прошлого века. После длительного перерыва в 2015 с ней снова был заключен новый контракт на 10 лет. Домашняя футболка выполнена в классических красных тонах. Она имеет круглый ворот с черной полоской окантовки. На плечах нанесены три плоски. Они также красного цвета, но более темного оттенка, как и манжеты рукавов.

Красный является традиционным цветом команды. Вот уже несколько десятилетий из сезона в сезон домашняя экипировка имеет именно эту окраску. Она и соответствует прозвищу игроков клуба – «красные дьяволы».

Дизайнеры использовали современный подход при создании экипировки команды. Футболка выглядит очень лаконично, без лишних деталей, подчеркивая традиционный стиль легендарного английского футбольного клуба. Выделяются лишь несколько элементов:

    черная окантовка ворота; логотипы главных спонсоров; официальный герб.

В центре футболки располагается фирменное изображение Chevrolet – титульного спонсора «Манчестер Юнайтед». Логотип используется в классическом варианте, а под ним нанесена надпись компании крупным шрифтом, выполненная в белом цвете. Она хорошо заметна на контрастном темном красном полотне.

Автомобильная марка Chevrolet является подразделением корпорации General Motors, с которой команда работает с 2012 года. По условиям контракта Chevrolet выступает титульным спонсором с 2014 года. Данное сотрудничество приносит клубу около $80 млн. в год. Лого компании Adidas расположено справа в верхней части футболки. Оно изображено черным цветом и неброско выделяется на общем красном фоне. Adidas является не только поставщиком формы для игроков, а также выступает одним из главных спонсоров клуба. В сезоне 2018/2019 на плече футболки впервые появился спонсорский логотип. Чести была удостоена компания Kohler, с которой команда заключила контракт в 2018. Ожидается, что данные нововведения будут иметь продолжение и в новом сезоне.

Герб команды расположился на левой груди. Он выполнен в сочетание черного и золотого и помещен на щит. Подобное изображение главной символики клуба имеет отголоски к сезону 1998/1999, когда «Манчестер Юнайтед» выиграл кубок Лиги чемпионов, победив «Баварию» со счетом 2:1. Этот период стал легендарным для команды и истории футбола, когда за один сезон «Манчестер Юнайтед» удалось получить главные трофеи в Премьер-лиге, Кубке Англии и Лиге чемпионов.

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

Предположительно, форма 2019/2020 будет иметь и другие неброские атрибуты того славного времени: изображение счета матча в Лиге чемпионов, или даты победных сражений.

Ожидается, что шорты и гетры домашней экипировки также будут соответствовать победному сезону. В тот период шорты были белыми с нанесением контрастных полосок и изображением герба. Гетры выполнялись в черном цвете.

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

О втором комплекте футбольной амуниции игроков мало что известно. Его фото пока не были представлены публике ни на официальных страницах команды, ни в других источниках.

Дизайнеры клуба продолжают сохранять интригу вокруг основного цвета гостевой формы «красных дьяволов». Ходят слухи, что она будет совсем не красной, а бежевой. Для дополнительных элементов используют бледно-красные и черные тона.

Подобный эксперимент уже проводился в сезоне 2018/2019. Тогда для гостевой экипировки использовался бледно-розовый цвет, в сочетании с темно-розовыми и черными деталями.

Футболка третьей формы «Манчестер Юнайтед» выполнена в черном цвете. Серым сделаны при полосы на плечах и окантовка рукавов. Яркими элементами на передней части являются логотипы титульного спонсора Chevrolet – в центре, а также компании Kohler – на плече. Они изображены в белом цвете и хорошо контрастируют с основным фоном.

Не менее заметными являются лого Adidas в правой части груди, и герб клуба – в левой. Для них использовался выразительный ярко-оранжевый оттенок.

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

На самой ткани по всему полотну футболки нанесены узоры темно-серого цвета в виде роз. Предполагается, что данный принт приурочен к юбилею матча в 1909 году, когда «Манчестер Юнайтед» выиграл свой первый Кубок Англии. Об этом говорит и надпись на подоле футболки: 110 Years – Manchester Rose – 1909_2019. Во время тех событий на форме игроков была изображена красная роза Ланкашира, которая является центральным элементом флага графства.

Автомобильная марка Chevrolet является подразделением корпорации General Motors, с которой команда работает с 2012 года. По условиям контракта Chevrolet выступает титульным спонсором с 2014 года. Данное сотрудничество приносит клубу около $80 млн. в год. Лого компании Adidas расположено справа в верхней части футболки. Оно изображено черным цветом и неброско выделяется на общем красном фоне. Adidas является не только поставщиком формы для игроков, а также выступает одним из главных спонсоров клуба. В сезоне 2018/2019 на плече футболки впервые появился спонсорский логотип. Чести была удостоена компания Kohler, с которой команда заключила контракт в 2018. Ожидается, что данные нововведения будут иметь продолжение и в новом сезоне. Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa Подобный эксперимент уже проводился в сезоне 2018/2019. Тогда для гостевой экипировки использовался бледно-розовый цвет, в сочетании с темно-розовыми и черными деталями. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Разнообразные комплекты футбольной формы для национальных сборных и обычных клубов Европы и Мира в игре PES.

Футбольный клуб Барселона презентовал дополнительный комплект футбольной формы, который станет доступен и в игре PES 2019.

Ну вот и вышел первый патч от команды патчмейкеров PTE patch. Данная команда патчмейкеров зарекомендовала себе с положительной стороны.

Представляем вашему вниманию ретро форму футбольного клуба ПСЖ для PES 2019. Это форма сезона 1996 1997. Это наверное самая классная форма у парижан, которая когда…

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

Ливерпуль в PES 2019 презентовал новый комплект футбольной формы на следующий сезон 2018-19 в футбольном симуляторе Pro Evolution Soccer 2019.

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

Небольшой патч, который добавляет новый сезон в PES 2018. Патч предназначен для тех, кто уже сейчас хочет начать сезон 2018-19 в игре Pro Evolution Soccer…

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

Домашняя форма Валенсии 2018-19 был опубликован сегодня, для всех фанатов серии Pro Evolution Soccer 2018. Стильный дизайн, который приурочен к 100-летнему юбилею испанского клуба.

Новая форма для ФК Ростов сезон 2018-19 от Joma к старту Чемпионата России. Футбольный клуб «Ростов» продемонстрировал новую форму, в которой планирует выступать в сезоне…

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa

Новая яркая гостевая форма ФК Барселона сезон 2018/19. Фирма Nike представила выездной комплект футбольной формы для чемпиона Испании.

Добавлена форма ФК Енисей сезон 2018-19 для фанатов игры Pro Evolution Soccer 2018, кто создает свои патчи или для тех, кому нужен именно этот комплект.

Футбольная форма Вулверхэмптон сезон 2018-19 для игры PES 2018. На этой неделе Wolverhampton Wanderers представил новый комплект формы, в которой начнет новый сезон Английской Премьер-лиги.

На презентации игры Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 в официальном трейлере нам показали легендарных игроков и форма MyClub в PES 2019, которые были представлены в уникальной…

Еще один полноценный набор футбольной формы для футбольного клуба Атлетик Бильбао, именно в таком комплекте команда начнет новый сезон в Испанской лиге 2018-19 футбольного симулятора…

Новый полноценный набор футбольной формы для ФК Вест Хэм Юнайтед, именно в таком комплекте команда начнет новый сезон в Английской Премьер-лиги 2018-19 в футбольном симуляторе…

Новый полноценный набор футбольной формы для ФК Лестер Сити, именно в таком комплекте команда начнет новый сезон в Английской Премьер-лиги 2018-19 в футбольном симуляторе PES…

Домашний комплект футбольной формы для Атлетико Мадрид, именно в этой форме испанская команда начнет новый сезон 2018-19 в футбольном симуляторе Pro Evolution Soccer 2018.

Комплект футбольной формы для Кристал Пэлас, в которой команда начнет новый сезон Английской Премьер-лиги 2018-19 в игре Pro Evolution Soccer 2018.

Футбольная форма Манчестер Юнайтед 1968 года для фанатов игры Pro Evolution Soccer 2018, кто собирает разнообразные ретро комплекты.

Домашний вариант футбольной формы для чемпиона Испании, Барселона получила комплект на следующий сезон Ла Лиги 2018-19 для игры PES 2018.

Фирма Adidas представила полноценный комплект футбольной формы для победителя Лиги чемпионов 2018 в лице Реал Мадрид, на следующий сезон 2018-19 для игры PES 2018.

В сезоне 2018-19 футбольный клуб Интер будет выступать в стильных черно-синих цветах с элементами золота, уже сегодня этот комплект можно установить и опробовать в Pro…

Полноценный комплект футбольной формы сборной Новой Зеландии добавлен для игры Pro Evolution Soccer 2018, в этой форме датчане будут выступать в 2018 году на международней…

Полноценный комплект футбольной формы сборной Дании добавлен для игры Pro Evolution Soccer 2018, в этой форме датчане будут выступать в 2018 году на международней арене.

Чемпион Германии в лице футбольного клуба Бавария Мюнхен представил домашний и вратарский комплект футбольной формы на новый сезон Бундеслиги 2018-19 игры PES 2018.

Новый комплект домашней экипировки для футбольного клуба Челси, именно в этой форме команда будет участвовать в Английской Премьер-лиге сезона 2018-19 игры PES 2018.

Дизайн футбольной формы, который сделан в стиле Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 для вашей собственной команды в онлайн режиме MyClub.

Домашний вариант футбольной формы для чемпиона Италии на новый сезон PES 2019, Ювентус получил современный дизайн от фирмы Adidas.

Новые комплекты футбольной формы для Манчестер Юнайтед на новый сезон 2018-19 в Английской Премьер-лиги уже доступны для игры Pro Evolution Soccer 2018.

Представлен домашний комплект футбольной формы для одной из лучших команд Английской Премьер-лиги, Ливерпуль начнет новый сезон 2018-19 АПЛ именно в таком варианте PES 2018.

Комплект футбольной формы национальной сборной Южная Корея для игры PES 2018, именно в этом варианте азиатская сборная выступит этим летом на Чемпионате Мира в России.

Новый полноценный комплект футбольной формы национальной сборной Перу для игры PES 2018, именно в этом варианте южно-американская сборная выступит этим летом на Чемпионате Мира в…

Дизайн футбольной формы, который сделан в стиле Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 для вашей собственной команды в онлайн режиме MyClub. Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa Домашний комплект футбольной формы для Атлетико Мадрид, именно в этой форме испанская команда начнет новый сезон 2018-19 в футбольном симуляторе Pro Evolution Soccer 2018.

Дисциплинарный комитет FIFA запретил лондонскому «Челси» регистрировать новых игроков в ближайшие два трансферных окна – летом 2019 г. и зимой 2020 г. Об этом сообщается в пресс-релизе федерации.

По данным комитета, «Челси», в частности, нарушил правила, согласно которым международный переход игроков разрешен только в случае, если их возраст достиг 18 лет.

Помимо этого на «Челси» наложен штраф в 600 000 швейцарских франков. Также наложен штраф и на британскую футбольную ассоциацию – 510 000 швейцарских франков.

Запрет на регистрацию в ближайшие два трансферных окна не касается только женской команды, а также команды по мини-футболу.

«Челси», комментируя решение дисциплинарного комитета, отверг обвинения и сообщил, что будет обжаловать решение. То же собирается сделать и футбольная ассоциация, сообщает The Guardian.

Apple представила обновленный MacBook Pro с процессорами Intel восьмого и девятого поколений. Это самые быстрые ноутбуки Mac, заявили в компании.

15-дюймовые MacBook Pro получили шести - и восьмиядерные процессоры, а 13-дюймовые ― четырехъядерные. Ноутбук также оснащен улучшенным экраном и клавиатурой, увеличился трекпад Force Touch.

Обновленные модели уже есть на сайте Apple. Стоимость 13-дюймовой модели начинается от 155 990 руб., 15-дюймовой ― от 207 990 руб.

В октябре 2018 г. Apple представила новые MacBook Air и iPad Pro в ходе презентации в Бруклинской академии музыки в Нью-Йорке. Новый Air оказался на 17% меньше, чем его предыдущая версия, и получил дисплей Retina.

Microsoft вслед за другими американскими корпорациями решил прекратить сотрудничество с китайской компанией Huawei, пишет «Коммерсантъ» со ссылкой на два источника на российском телекоммуникационном рынке. Ограничение коснется работы в сегментах потребительской электроники и решений для бизнеса. По словам одного из собеседников издания, американская корпорация 20 мая направила письма о прекращении сотрудничества в свои представительства по всему миру, в том числе в Россию. Другой собеседник отметил, что письма и неформальные предупреждения о подготовке прекращения работы с Huawei получали несколько партнеров Microsoft в России.

Huawei использует операционную систему Windows от Microsoft в своих ноутбуках и планшетах, также софт от Microsoft нужен Huawei в серверах и решениях для хранения данных и сервисе Huawei Cloud, говорит источник «Коммерсанта» на рынке связи. Издание The Verge обратило внимание, что Microsoft в выходные удалила из своего онлайн-магазина ноутбук от Huawei MateBook X Pro. Потенциальный разрыв сотрудничества с Microsoft может повлиять на серверные решения от Huawei, также подтверждает The Verge. У Huawei есть гибридное облачное решение для хранения данных для платформы Microsoft Azure Stack, которое работает на серверах Huawei.

Представитель Microsoft отказался комментировать прекращение работы с Huawei. Представитель китайской компании также отказался от комментариев.

Президент США Дональд Трамп 15 мая подписал указ, который позволяет министру торговли США блокировать закупку телекоммуникационных технологий, если их производят компании, которые находятся в юрисдикции или под контролем «иностранных противников» и тем самым угрожают безопасности США. В тот же день министерство торговли США внесло Huawei и 70 аффилированных с ней компаний в черный список. Первой среди американских компаний от сотрудничества с Huawei отказался Google, сообщал Reuters. Потом к нему присоединились Intel, Qualcomm, Xilinx и Broadcom, писал Bloomberg.

Накануне минторг США временно разрешил Huawei вести бизнес в США, выпустив лицензию на 90 дней. Она позволит китайской корпорации работать с американскими компаниями до 19 августа.

Обновленные модели уже есть на сайте Apple. Стоимость 13-дюймовой модели начинается от 155 990 руб., 15-дюймовой ― от 207 990 руб. Дисциплинарный комитет FIFA запретил лондонскому «Челси» регистрировать новых игроков в ближайшие два трансферных окна – летом 2019 г. и зимой 2020 г. Об этом сообщается в пресс-релизе федерации.

Новая форма лондонского «ФК Челси» на сезон 2018-2019 будет официально представлена и запущена в продажу в мае месяце. Ниже мы подготовили фото и описание домашней и гостевой формы лондонской команды. Прокрутите вниз, чтобы ознакомиться с обоими комплектами.

«Синие» — одно из прозвищ английского «Челси». Именно такой цвет является основным для клуба, и соответственно их домашняя форма выполнена в такой раскраске. С точки зрения эстетики, новая экипировка «аристократов» выглядит очень красиво и интересно. Её дизайн значительно изменился, к тому же по весу она также стала легче.

Главной особенностью новой формы стали красные и белые горизонтальные штрихи (полосы) на футболке, которые начинаются на краях и бегут к центру. На синем фоне полосы очень заметны, создавая уникальный внешний вид майки, которого ранее у клуба никогда не было. Рукава остались без изменений, они просто синие без каких-либо линий и надписей.

Кроме штрихов, на передней части футболки красуется эмблема «Челси» и фирменный спортивный значок «Nike». Конечно же, спереди большими белыми буквами написано название спонсора команды – «Yokohama Tyres», а логотип этого изготовителя шин изображён красным. На задней внутренней стороне воротника белым цветом написано название клубного нимна «Blue is the color», а также дата создания клуба. Заднюю часть футболки занимает фамилия футболиста и номер. Они выполнены белым цветом.

Шорты и гетры в домашнем комплекте «Челси» будут синими и белыми соответственно. На гетрах (верхняя часть) есть две полосы: синяя и красная. По центру изображён спортивный бренд «Nike» и надпись CFC. Они выполнены традиционным синим цветом.

Второй вариант экипировки будет жёлтого цвета. Линий на футболке, как на основном варианте, нет. Спереди, на верхней части, дизайнеры сосредоточили значки спонсоров и логотип «Челси». На задней части воротника есть небольшая линия синего цвета. Шорты и гетры формы такого же яркого жёлтого цвета, как и футболка.

«Синие» — одно из прозвищ английского «Челси». Именно такой цвет является основным для клуба, и соответственно их домашняя форма выполнена в такой раскраске. С точки зрения эстетики, новая экипировка «аристократов» выглядит очень красиво и интересно. Её дизайн значительно изменился, к тому же по весу она также стала легче. Новая форма лондонского «ФК Челси» на сезон 2018-2019 будет официально представлена и запущена в продажу в мае месяце. Ниже мы подготовили фото и описание домашней и гостевой формы лондонской команды. Прокрутите вниз, чтобы ознакомиться с обоими комплектами. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Заказал у вас костюм Барселоны и остался очень доволен. Размер подошел идеально. Спасибо, буду заказывать только у вас.

Успел получить свой заказ до Нового года! Очень рад, качество товара формы Манчестер Юнайтед ничем не уступает привезенной из фирменного магазина в Англии. Всем советую этот магазаин для покупки футбольной формы.

Спасибо за качественную форму Манчестер Сити, нанесение хорошего качества, играю уже второй месяц, после стирки как новая!

Покупаю всю футбольную экипировку только на Футболомании. Всегда оставался доволен: отличное качество товара и вменяемые цены, доставка не позволяет томиться в ожидании. Всем рекомендую.

Заказывала опять футбольную майку для сына, это был уже 3 заказ в этом интернет-магазине, а майка уже 4-я. На этот раз сын попросил майку Хорватии черно-синюю - получила за 2 недели по Почте России. Качество - как всегда классное! Сын опять доволен! И вообще он опять удивляется, что за такую цену он получает классные майки отличного качества и правильного размера. А я довольна тем более! Спасибо всем, кто нам делает праздник!

Все отличного качества и доставлено в срок! Огромное спасибо!

Заказал форму сборной Бразилий к ЧМ, качество на высоте, заказываю 2 раз!!

Огромное СПАСИБО Футболмании. Отличная футболка сборной Панамы! Доставка очень быстрая, заказал 25 мая - получил 9 июня, успели к чемпионату! Качество на высоте.) Насторажила 100% предоплаты, но всё в ажуре!) Трек отслеживался. Единственный маленький минус - просил нашивку чемпионата, забыли, но денег не взяли.) Заказывал размер М, оказался великоват, но не страшно)

Очень рада, что решила рискнуть и сделать заказ на этом сайте! Огромное спасибо за оперативность, качество, и приемлемую цену. Доставка до С-Пб всего 11 (!) дней с момента оплаты. Заказывала здесь первый, но теперь точно не последний раз. Оставляю отзыв, чтобы все сомневающиеся перестали бояться и покупали понравившуюся продукцию ))) Всем добра! P. S. Для достоверности прикрепляю фото своего заказа =)

Я в восторге от обслуживания, от сервиса, от доставки и от качества! Это супер! После этих возгласов можно, наверное, ничего не добавлять, но для новичков и сомневающихся поясню подробнее. Я покупала в Футболомании форму сыну. До этого я долго в разных интернет-магазинах искала ему футбольную майку Манчестер Сити серую 17-18 сезона, цены везде запредельные, мне таких маек не надо, честно говоря, мне надо подешевле и по качественней! Может это и смешно. Ноя всегда такое найду. И сейчас тоже нашла. В Футболомании оказалась самая дешевая майка, и при этом отличного качества. Сделала сыну подарок, он ничего не знал. Когда подарила ему майку, он вообще обалдел. Майку получила ровно за 2 недели со дня оплаты. Доставка по России действительно бесплатная, все честно и верно, доставка Почтой России простой бандеролью, идет примерно 1,5-2 недели, я дала адрес почты в моем городе, и до востребования на эту почту, все быстро и четко, трек-код мне прислали из Футболомании сразу, как только отправили мою посылку, я по нему все время отслеживала движение, ровно через 2 недели пришла смс с почты, что моя посылка доставлена, и я ее получила. Когда сын увидел эту майку, он попросил подарок на день рождения - конечно, еще 2 майки, на этот раз попросил Юве желтую сезона 17-18 и синюю сезона 16-17, вторая посылка пришла быстрее, чем первая, - ровно 10 дней. Это был восторг. Все три майки - Сити и Юве - классные! Качество просто отличное. На майках - вся символика производителя, клубов и спонсоров, все на месте, все отлично держится, Сити стираю в машине на ручной стирке при 30 градусах спокойно, ничего не трескается и не облазит, хотя сыну она очень нравится, и он боится, что с ней что-нибудь случится, но я в ней абсолютно уверена, стираю в машине 2 раза в неделю. Еще скажу про размеры. Мой сын носит ровно L. Я ему и брала L. Очень четко подходит и сидит как надо, размер в размер. И теперь наконец-то после всех восторгов хочу сказать операторам всем и конкретно оператору Евгении - спасибо! Евгения, с Вами очень приятно иметь дело. Я думаю, мы у Вас еще будем не один раз брать майки, сын очень доволен! Спасибо!

Заказал форму сборной Бразилий к ЧМ, качество на высоте, заказываю 2 раз!! Огромное СПАСИБО Футболмании. Отличная футболка сборной Панамы! Доставка очень быстрая, заказал 25 мая - получил 9 июня, успели к чемпионату! Качество на высоте.) Насторажила 100% предоплаты, но всё в ажуре!) Трек отслеживался. Единственный маленький минус - просил нашивку чемпионата, забыли, но денег не взяли.) Заказывал размер М, оказался великоват, но не страшно)

Umbro и ЦСКА продолжат второе сотрудничество в сезоне 2019-2020. Вы сможете увидеть новую форму «армейцев» уже сейчас!

Домашнаяя форма ЦСКА 2019 2020

Домашний комплект формы имеет классические цвета для армейцев. В сравнении с сезоном 2018 — 2019 форма имеет более «спокойный» дизайн. Красная майка разбавлена лишь синим v-образным воротом. Синий ворот идет до ключицы, а затем резко переходит в красный цвет.

Спонсорские логотипы выполнены в белых цветах, что смотрится довольно гармонично. Пока нет уверенности на 100%, будет ли логотип компании РОССЕТИ красоваться на груди.

Шорты также выполнены без дизайнерских изысков. Полностью синие шорты разбавлены лишь клубной эмблемой и логотипом Umbro. Во время матчей на шортах также появится игровой номер.

В целом отметим, что схожий дизайн формы для ЦСКА уже делали Adidas в сезоне 2013 — 2014. Тогда практически полностью красная майка была украшена синим v-образным воротом и адидасовскими белыми полосками. А вот шорты немного отличались, несмотря на основной синий цвет, как и в новом сезоне.

Гостевая форма ЦСКА 2019 2020

Выездная форма отличается от домашней только основным цветом. Если домашняя майка сделана красной, то выездная — белой. При этом, синий ворот сохранен в точности, как и в домашнем варианте формы.

Спонсорские логотипы Umbro и Россети сделаны в синем цвете.

Шорты, как и футболка, отличаются от домашних лишь цветом. Выездной вариант шорт сделан не синим, а белым. К обоим комплектам применен один дизайн — сплошные одноцветные шорты без каких либо вставок, кроме эмблемы ЦСКА и логотипа Umbro.

В целом, выездной вариант формы сезона 2019 — 2020 также схож с формой упомянутого выше комплекта формы сезона 2013 — 2014. Выездная форма того сезона также была белого цвета, но тогда плечи были выделены синим цветом.

Третья форма ЦСКА 2019 2020

Запасной комплект формы может стать одним из самых сочных клубных форм за последние годы. Ее цвет черный, а черный это всегда круто.

Единственное, что может немного подпортить форму ЦСКА — это белые спонсорские логотипы.

А вот такую форму с небольшой переодичностью делает Nike для шведского АИКа. Именно эти комплекты входят в многочисленные ТОПы лучших форм сезона. Учитывая, что запасной комплект формы используется активно в еврокубках — ЦСКА мог бы составить конкуренцию шведам и погреметь в Европе. Время принять решение по цветам логотипов еще есть, но пока они белые.

Шорты в третьем комплекте также выполнены без каких-либо фишек в однотонном стиле. Цвет логотипа Umbro здесь белый.

Домашнаяя форма ЦСКА 2019 2020 Спонсорские логотипы Umbro и Россети сделаны в синем цвете. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.
Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa Челси Общая информация Сезон Тренер Председатель Владелец Стадион Соревнования Премьер-лига Кубок Англии Кубок Футбольной лиги Лига чемпионов УЕФА Домашняя посещаемость

Сезон 2019/20 — 105-й сезон для «Челси» в чемпионате Англии, 28-й в Премьер-лиге, а также 114-й год со дня основания футбольного клуба.

Производителем формы для клуба является компания Nike. Главным спонсором клуба, логотип которого изображён на футболке, является компания Yokohama Rubber Company. Домашний комплект формы был представлен 2 мая. При разработке дизайна футболок Nike сделал акцент на «Стэмфорд Бридж». На футболке имеется стильный V-образный вырез, а заднюю часть воротника украшает красно-белая монограмма CFC. В комплекте также идут шорты синего цвета и белые гетры, которые посередине икры украшены традиционной красно-синей окантовкой «Челси» [1] .

Сумма трансфера приводится в фунтах стерлингов.

Производителем формы для клуба является компания Nike. Главным спонсором клуба, логотип которого изображён на футболке, является компания Yokohama Rubber Company. Домашний комплект формы был представлен 2 мая. При разработке дизайна футболок Nike сделал акцент на «Стэмфорд Бридж». На футболке имеется стильный V-образный вырез, а заднюю часть воротника украшает красно-белая монограмма CFC. В комплекте также идут шорты синего цвета и белые гетры, которые посередине икры украшены традиционной красно-синей окантовкой «Челси» [1] . Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaСезон 2019/20 — 105-й сезон для «Челси» в чемпионате Англии, 28-й в Премьер-лиге, а также 114-й год со дня основания футбольного клуба.

Новая домашняя форма «Борнмута», которую разрабатывала компания Umbro, предлагает новый ход в классической полосатой форме. Футболка с красными рукавами украшена диагональными узорами. Вдохновением для этого послужила эмблема клуба с наносящим удар головой Дики Доусеттом.

Шорты и гетры будут черными, на гетрах будут нанесены буквы AFCB.

«Кристал Пэлас» уже продемонстрировал свой новый домашний комплект от Puma в последнем матче сезона против «Борнмута». В футболке сохранены традиционные красные и синие полосы клуба, но теперь у нее есть белый воротник и прерывающаяся белая полоска. Белый цвет заменил в форме желтый.

Новая домашняя форма «Челси» выполнена в традиционном синем цвете. Ее произвел Nike. Эден Азар представляет эту форму, но еще неизвестно, будет ли он носить ее в следующем сезоне.

Обсуждая новую домашнюю футболку «Челси» и то, что вдохновением для нее послужил «Стэмфорд Бридж», Азар отметил: «Это наш дом. Это выглядит отличным решением. У нас за плечами столько воспоминаний о матчах на "Стэмфорд Бридж", что мы будем отдавать дань легендарному стадиону через новую форму».


The four stands of Stamford Bridge are woven into the fabric of our new @nikefootball home shirt — this is what it means to wear it! #ITSACHELSEATHING pic. twitter. com/VnTBMeGhdf

В новой форме «Лестера» от Adidas клуб впервые с сезона 2013-2014 возвращается к белым шортам. Клуб также обновил форму вратарей. «Лисы» уже дебютировали в новой форме в последнем матче сезона против «Челси».

Новый домашний комплект «Ливерпуля» чествует самого успешного тренера клуба Боба Пейсли, которому в этом году исполнилось бы 100 лет.

В комплекте формы, который представили Садио Мане, Роберто Фирмино, Алиссон и Мохамед Салах, появилась полоса, которая была на форме в сезоне 1982-1983, когда «Ливерпуль» выиграл свой четырнадцатый чемпионский титул, а Пейсли — шестой в качестве тренера «красных». На внутренней стороне футболки возле шеи нанесен автограф Пейсли.

Reds, it’s here. The #LFC 2019/20 @nbfootball Home and Goalkeeper Kit is available to pre-order now. [On sale & in stores 09/05/19].https://t. co/7jBmpA1IaM

Liverpool FC. #LiveIt pic. twitter. com/GLF5t7iHCS

«Ливерпуль» и New Balance решили сохранить популярный цвет красного перца на новый сезон. Кроме того, в память о трагедии «Хиллсборо» сзади у шеи расположена эмблема «96», окруженная пламенем.

Новая домашняя форма «МЮ» отдает дань уважения чемпионской команде сезона 1998-1999. Главной победой в том сезоне стал камбэк в финале Лиги чемпионов против «Баварии» (2:1). Время победных голов Тедди Шерингема и Уле-Гуннара Сульшера указано на рукаве футболки. На нижней части футболки также указаны даты побед в АПЛ, Кубке Англии и Лиге чемпионов.

Вратарская форма, которую презентовал Давид Де Хеа, хотя его будущее в клубе находится под вопросом, выполнена в тигровых полосах темно-фиолетового цвета. Это отсылка к форме, которую 20 лет назад носил Петер Шмейхель.

«Ливерпуль» и New Balance решили сохранить популярный цвет красного перца на новый сезон. Кроме того, в память о трагедии «Хиллсборо» сзади у шеи расположена эмблема «96», окруженная пламенем. Новая домашняя форма «МЮ» отдает дань уважения чемпионской команде сезона 1998-1999. Главной победой в том сезоне стал камбэк в финале Лиги чемпионов против «Баварии» (2:1). Время победных голов Тедди Шерингема и Уле-Гуннара Сульшера указано на рукаве футболки. На нижней части футболки также указаны даты побед в АПЛ, Кубке Англии и Лиге чемпионов.

Огромнейший сборник, включающий формы HD качества практически для всех команд игры PES 2019. Все формы представлены, как реальные, из сезона 2018/19.

-Premiere League -

Arsenal : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font UCL)

Chelsea : Home, Away, Third 4th, 5th, GK1 & GK UCL

Crystal Palace : Home, Away, & GK1

Everton : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK2

Leicester City : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL

Liverpool : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL

Manchester City : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL

Manchester United : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 & GK UCL

Newcastle United : Home, Away, Third & GK1

West Ham United : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Tottenham Hotspur : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

Southampton : Home, Away, Third, 4th & GK1

Watford : Home, Away & GK1

AFC Bournemouth : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Burnley : Home, Away & GK1

Brighton & Hove Albion : Home, Away, Third, 4th & GK1

Huddersfield Town : Home, Away & GK1

Wolverhampton Wanderers : Home, Away & GK1

Fulham : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Cardiff City : Home, Away & GK1

-SkyBet Championship -

Ipswich Town : Home, Away & GK1

West Bromwich Albion : Home & GK1

Derby County : Home, Away & GK1

Hull City : Home, Away & GK1

Birmingham City : Home, Away & GK1

Brentford : Home, Away & GK1

Sheffield United : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Blackburn Rovers (New Promoted) : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Wigan Athletic (New Promoted) : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Rotherham United (New Promoted) : Home, Away, Third & GK1

-Ligue 1-

Olympique Lyon : Home, Away, GK1 & GK UCL

Paris Saint Germain : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

Olympique de Marseille : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

AS Monaco : Home, Away, GK1 & GK UCL

Stade Rennais FC : Home, Away & GK1

-Serie A -

AC Milan : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

AS Roma : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

Internazionale : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

Juventus : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

SSC Napoli : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

S. S. Lazio : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

ACF Fiorentina : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

Atalanta B. C. : Home, Away, GK1 (+ New Font)

Torino F. C : Home, Away, Third, GK1

A. C. ChievoVerona : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Genoa CFC : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 (+ New Font)

U. C. Sampdoria : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 (+ New Font)

U. S. Sassuolo : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Bologna : Home, Away, GK1

Udinese Calcio : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 (+ New Font)

Cagliari Calcio : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 (+ New Font)

Empoli FC : Home, Away, Third, GK1

SPAL : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Parma Calcio 1913 : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1

Frosinone Calcio : Home, Away, GK1

-LaLiga -

Atletico Madrid : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1 & GK UCL

Athletic Club Bilbao : Home, Away, GK & GK UCL

Barcelona : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL

Real Madrid : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1, & GK UCL (+ New Font UCL)

Valencia : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

Sevilla FC : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL

Celta de Vigo : Home, Away & GK1

Girona FC : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Villarreal : Home, Away, Third, GK1

RCD Espanyol : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1

SD Huesca : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Real Sociedad : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Real Valladolid : Home, Away, GK1

Real Betis : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Rayo Vallecano : Home, Away, Third, GK1

SD Eibar : Home, Away, Third, GK1

CD Leganés : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Deportivo Alavés : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Getafe CF : Home, Away, Third, GK1

Levante UD : Home, Away, Third, 4th, 5th, GK1

-Eredivise -

AFC Ajax : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL

PSV Eindhoven : Home, Away, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

-Liga NOS -

SL Benfica : Home, Away, Third & GK1

FC Porto : Home, Away, Third 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

-BundesLiga -

Bayern Munich : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

Borussia Dortmund : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

FC Augsburg : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Borussia M'gladbach : Home, Away, Third & GK1 (+ New Font)

Eintracht Frankfurt : Home, Away & GK1

Hertha BSC : Home, Away, Third & GK1

RB Leipzig : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

FC Schalke 04 : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

VFL Wolfsburg : Home, Away, Third & GK1

SV Werder Bremen : Home, Away & GK1

VFB Stuttgart : Home, Away, Third & GK1

-Others Europeans -

Fenerbahçe SK : Home, Away, Third, GK1 & GK UCL

FK Zenit St. Petersburg : Home, Away, GK1 & GK UCL

Galatasaray SK : Home, Away, GK1 & GK UCL

FC Basel 1893 : Home, Away, GK1 & GK UCL

Скопировать в: . \PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\download

- SkyBet Championship -

Ipswich Town : Home, Away & GK1

West Bromwich Albion : Home & GK1

Derby County : Home, Away & GK1

Hull City : Home, Away & GK1

Birmingham City : Home, Away & GK1

Brentford : Home, Away & GK1

Sheffield United : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Blackburn Rovers (New Promoted) : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Wigan Athletic (New Promoted) : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Rotherham United (New Promoted) : Home, Away, Third & GK1 - BundesLiga -

Bayern Munich : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

Borussia Dortmund : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL (+ New Font)

FC Augsburg : Home, Away, Third & GK1

Borussia M'gladbach : Home, Away, Third & GK1 (+ New Font)

Eintracht Frankfurt : Home, Away & GK1

Hertha BSC : Home, Away, Third & GK1

RB Leipzig : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

FC Schalke 04 : Home, Away, Third, 4th, GK1 & GK UCL

VFL Wolfsburg : Home, Away, Third & GK1

SV Werder Bremen : Home, Away & GK1

VFB Stuttgart : Home, Away, Third & GK1 Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Футбольные клубы перед началом сезона пытаются удивить болельщиков уникальностью своей формы. Некоторые эксперименты радуют фанатов, которые уже летят в магазины тратить свои кровные на джерси любимых команд. К сожалению, не все технические спонсоры клубов заморочились по поводу дизайна футболок. Поэтому фанам некоторых команд придётся перетерпеть сезончик. Ну или брать то, что есть. Football. ru собрал 10 самых лучших форм сезон 2018/19 и столько же худших. Налетай!


«Валенсия», выездная форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Валенсии»

Сочетание оранжевого и тёмно-синего придаёт форме дороговизны. Спонсор органично вписан в дизайн формы. Даже лого «Альфа Ромео» на шортах размещено аккуратно. «Валенсия» может быть довольна работой adidas.

«Манчестер Сити», выездная форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный твиттер «Манчестер Сити»

Выбор трёх цветов для формы - рискованный шаг, который полностью оправдался. Полоски достаточно тонкие, чтобы не раздражать. Гетры дополняют одноцветные линии. Неожиданный вариант от Nike.

«Бёрнли», выездная форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный твиттер «Бёрнли»

Перелив чёрного и металлического цветов смотрится эффектно. Для середняка АПЛ Puma подготовила комплект, который обратит на себя внимание. Воротник поло, а также мелкий принт заставит приобрести футболку для коллекции.

«Челси», домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Челси»

Появление на форме «Челси» красных вкраплений сыграло ключевую роль в попадании этой джерси в нашу подборку. Кажущееся случайным расположение белых и красных полосок, делает футболку особенно стильной.

«Эвертон», домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Эвертона»

Обычно, Umbro создаёт очень шаблонные комплекты, но здесь британская компания превзошла себя. Вышивка фирменного лого на рукавах, цветной «шум» на майке и зауженный воротник. Выглядит потрясающе.

«Леганес», выездная форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaFootballkitsnews

К 90-летию клуба Joma спроектировала уникальную форму. Футболку отличает крупная, трёхцветная полоска. В таких цветах «Леганес» играл на заре своего существования. Вишенкой на торте стал воротник. Шнурок, который связывает две его стороны, крутая отсылка к 30-40 годам прошлого века.

«Ливерпуль», домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Ливерпуля»

New Balance продолжает удерживать звание самой стильной компании, которая делает футбольные формы. После прошлогоднего фурора болельщиков было сложно удивить, но воротник поло, приталенная футболка и еле заметный принт снова взорвали рынок.

«Манчестер Юнайтед», третья форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Манчестер Юнайтед»

Компания Adidas сделала форму в тёмно-сером цвете с отсылкой к первой победе «МЮ» в Кубке Чемпионов в 1968 году. Более того, каждая футболка сделана из переработанных пластиковых бутылок, собранных в океане. На каждую ушло девять таких бутылок.

«Реал Мадрид», третья форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный твиттер «Реал Мадрид»

«Реал» последовал примеру «МЮ» и тоже сделал форму из пластиковых бутылок. Впервые за долгое время у «бланкос» появился красные комплект, который дополнен симпатичным принтом. Отличный вариант для фанов, которые устали от белых и чёрных футболок.

ПСЖ, домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт ПСЖ

Ходило немало шуток по поводу схожести новой формы парижан с старыми джерси «Барселоны», но это всё чушь. Размытая полоска точно придётся по вкусу фанам. При этом классика цветов клуба не потеряна.


«Вильярреал», выездная форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Вулверхэмптона»

Из всех возможных оттенков розового Joma выбрала худший. Едкий цвет, отсутствие принта и дешёвые вставки делают форму абсолютно непривлекательной. Ну, хотя бы на трансляциях команду будет проще отличить!

«Герта», домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Герты»

В Nike вообще не парились с формой для берлинского клуба. Поигрались с насыщенностью синего, добавили белого и даже не удосужились сделать правильные стыки. Спонсор ещё больше портит внешний вид футболки.

«Наполи», домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Наполи»

От «Наполи» такой подставы не ожидал никто. Принт, который напоминает мутную воду и многократное повторение лого спонсора сбоку сильно удешевляют внешний вид джерси. Для представления даже сделали крутой комикс, но саму форму это не спасёт.

«Уотфорд», домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный твиттер «Уотфорда»

Испортить форму с цветами, которые и так между собой сочетаются, очень сложно. Но у «Уотфорда» получилось. Выбрали худший из вариантов жёлтого, самую простую полоску, никак не использовали рукава. Ко всему этому стандартный, уже забытый многими, воротник.

«Хоффенхайм», домашняя форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный твиттер «Хоффенхайма»

Ничего лучше, чем залить форму синим, технический спонсор не придумал. Ни особого принта, ни работы с рукавами, ни мелкой полоски. Просто - не всегда красиво. В этом случае - никак.

«Райо Вальекано», третья форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Райо Вальекано» первая форма на фото

С третьей формой «Райо» спонсор сильно перестарался. Принт не вяжется с фирменной косой полосой клуба, а цвет напоминает футболки маленьких африканских сборных. И при чём тут белые гетры вообще?

«Саутгемптон», третья форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Саутгемптона»

Когда первый комплект сочетает в себе белый и красный, сделать третий полностью красным - абсурд. Красные полоски, которые чередуются с другими красными полосками, а поверх этой вакханалии красный спонсор. Вот это фантазия.

«Кардифф Сити», третья форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Кардифф Сити»

Adidas просто взял трафарет из середины 2000-х и нанёс на него лого и спонсора «Кардиффа». Классические три полоски, банальные гетры. Команда, которая, пока что, и так не выделяется в АПЛ, будет играть в одной из самых скучных форм в лиге.

«Шальке», третья форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaОфициальный сайт «Шальке»

Немного кислоты от Umbro. Эти ребята вообще любят такие цвета, хотя смотрятся они очень дёшево. Форму немного спасают вставки на рукавах и воротнике, но, в целом, она отправляется десяткам других кислотных футболок. Эта джерси ничем не лучше, чем уродливые футболки «Барсы» подобной расцветки.

«Эвертон», третья форма

Форма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifaFootyheadsonline, третья форма на фото

Насколько крута первая форма «ирисок», настолько же ужасна третья. Принты с фигурами редко выглядят хорошо и этот случай не исключение. Такое ощущение, что дизайнер случайным образом помещал их на белоснежную футболку. Эмблема клуба и вовсе выглядит выцветшей.

«Манчестер Сити», выездная формаФорма Манчестер Юнайтед на сезон 2019-2020 года, форма челси 2019 2020 для fifa«Эвертон», домашняя форма Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

27 февраля 2019 г.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC's

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC's (Pic: EA SPORTS)

This week sees the launch of FUT Birthday, an extra special FIFA 19 event which is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of FUT.

EA Sports are planning even more campaign content than they've ever had.

The Campaign has just started with 21 players available through SBCs and Objectives, 10 Prime Icon Moment SBCs, 10 Puzzle SBCs and several Repeatable Upgrade SBCs all spread throughout the 10 day event.

On Friday, there will be 1 Prime Icon Moment SBC, 1 FUT Birthday Player SBC, 1 FUT Anniversary Player SBC, 1 Daily Puzzle SBC and 3 FUT Birthday Weekly Objective players.

On Saturday, there will be 1 Prime Icon Moment SBC, 1 Daily Puzzle SBC and 1 FUT Anniversary Player SBC

And if you thought this was going to be a normal event, think again, because some of the cards are downright bonkers. Not just because of the ratings, but mainly because of the position changes.

These special cards include a 90-rated left back Mo Salah, 93-rated striker Gareth Bale, and a 89-rated Virgil van Dijk striker card!

Read on for the full low down.

    RW: Antoine Griezmann (93) ST: Gareth Bale (93) CDM: Kalidou Koulibaly (92) LW: Kylian Mbappe (91) CAM: Philippe Coutinho (91) RW: Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (91) CAM: Leroy Sane (90) LB: Mohamed Salah (90) RM: Marcelo (90) CAM: Douglas Costa (90) ST: Virgil van Dijk (90) RM: David Alaba (89) RW: Hueng-min Son (88) CB: Kyle Walker (88) CB: Axel Witsel (88) ST: Anthony Martial (87) RM: Quincy Promes (87) CDM: Thomas Muenier (87) CB: Theo Hernandez (86) RB: Benjamin Pavard (86) CB: Jordan Lukaku (86)

On top of the 23 players, there is also 21 players available through SBCs during the FUT Birthday event.

This includes ten Prime ICON Moments, six FUT Birthday players and five Anniversary players.

There will also be six players available through the weekly objectives.

There's four to collect and they are not going to be easy to get hold of. But then, there're also pretty excellent cards to have. I mean, who doesn't want a 89-rated Zlatan Ibrahimovic CB card!

Here's what's on offer and how to get them:

Zlatan Ibrahimovic (CB, 89) - Win nine online singles matches using a team with 11 MLS players. No Icons, Flashbacks or players from ENG 1, FRA 1, ITA 1, GER 1 and SPA 1 allowed.

Naldo (CDM, 88) - Win seven online singles matches without Icons, Flashbacks, and players from ENG 1, ITA 1, GER 1 and SPA 1.

Gervinho (LW, 87) - Win eight online singles matches without Icons, Flashbacks, and players from ENG 1, FRA 1, GER 1 and SPA 1.

Leroy Sane 10-match loan (CAM, 90) - Assist 10 goals with Premier League players in Squad Battles on Professional difficulty or higher.


- Exchange a Squad featuring players from Valencia

- Exchange a Squad featuring players from Spain


- Exchange a Squad featuring players from RP Leipzig

- Exchange a Squad featuring players from Germany

- Exchange a Squad featuring Bundesliga Players

Celebrate FUT Birthday with some of the top FIFA Twitch streams to get rewards!

On Friday March 22 watch Castro_1021, Bateson87, AA9Skillz, ProownezHD or Bruce Grannec on Twitch between 6 pm GMT and 10 pm GMT and make sure you link your Twitch account with your EA account to be eligible (instructions).

Rewards will include FUT Birthday players, Prime ICON Moments and packs.

This includes ten Prime ICON Moments, six FUT Birthday players and five Anniversary players. Read on for the full low down. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

In this always updated page, you will be able to discover the FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives calendar and its rewards. Complete weekly objectives in-game or in the web & companion app to earn great rewards in FUT 19. From squad management goals to dynamic in-match challenges, the harder the challenge, the better the reward you’ll receive.

FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives is an easy way to earn weekly rewards in FUT 19. The Objectives vary in difficulty and are consistently updated. Each Friday, at 6pm (UK time), at least four new objectives are released. If you don’t claim your rewards before the Objectives reset, EA’ll automatically add them to your Club and you will be informed by a pop up.

Let’s find out the complete list of FIFA 19 weekly objectives.

SMO Squad Management Objectives (can be completed everywhere)

IMO In-Match Objectives (cannot be completed on the Web and Companion Apps)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

17/05/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

17/05/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

17/05/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

17/05/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score using Flashback players in 3 separate Rivals matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Assist 10 goals using players from the United States in SB on min. Pro difficulty

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Score 8 goals using Silver players in SB on min. Semi-Pro difficulty

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)


🕹️ Assist using a Premier League defender in 5 separate Rivals wins

88 🇫🇷 LB: Lucas Digne, Everton (untradeable TOTS item)


🕹️ Assist 15 goals using English players in SB on min. World Class difficulty

88 🇮🇪 CDM: Declan Rice, West Ham United (untradeable TOTS item)


🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 Saudi Professional League players

89 🇫🇷 ST: Bafétimbi Gomis, Al Hilal (untradeable TOTS item)

IMO Loan Firmino

🕹️ Win 3 SB matches using a squad with specified requirements

Min 3 Liverpool players | Min 3 Brazil players | Min difficulty: Professional

93 🇧🇷 CF: Roberto Firmino, Lierpool (10-matches loan Flashback item)

IMO Completionist

🕹️ Complete all other Weekly Objectives

🎴 1 x Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

10/05/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

10/05/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

10/05/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

10/05/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score using TOTW players in 3 separate Rivals wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Win 3 SB using a squad with 7 Mexican players on min. Semi-Pro difficulty

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Score twice in 7 separate matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Rare Players Pack

🕹️ Win 6 online single matches using only silver players

🎴 1 x Rare Players Pack (untradeable)


🕹️ Score using Spanish players in 6 separate Rival wins

88 🇪🇸 CM: Rodri, Atlético Madrid (untradeable TOTS item)


🕹️ Assist 8 goals using Eredivisie players in Squad Battles on min. Professional difficulty

88 🇨🇲 GK: André Onana, Ajax (untradeable TOTS item)

IMO TOTS Taylot,

🕹️ Score in 4 separate matches using EFL League One players

81 🇲🇸 ST: Lyle Taylor, Charlton Athletic (untradeable TOTS item)


🕹️ Score 3 goals using TOTS players

👕 1 x TOTS kit (untradeable)

IMO War Child FC Home

🕹️ Assist 5 goals using Through Balls

👕 1 x War Child FC Home kit (untradeable)

IMO War Child FC Away

🕹️ Assist 5 goals from Crosses

👕 1 x War Child FC Away kit (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

03/05/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

03/05/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

03/05/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

03/05/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score using Dutch players in 3 separate Rivals wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Score twice in 8 separate online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Outstanding Performance

🕹️ Score 5 goals using domestic MOTM players in SB on min. professional difficulty

🎴 1 x Mega Pack (untradeable)

IMO Ajax v Spurs

🕹️ Win 2 online matches using a squad with specified requirements

Min 3 Ajax players, min 3 Spurs players, min 3 UCL rare players

🎴 1 x Premium Gold Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Galatasaray v Besiktas

🕹️ Win 2 SB matches using a squad with specified requirements

Min 3 Galatasaray players, min 3 Besiktas players, min difficulty professional

🎴 1 x Rare Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Loan Antonio Valencia

🕹️ Assist 3 goals using Manchester United players

88 🇪🇨 RB: Antonio Valencia (Manchester United) (10-matches loan End of an Era item)

IMO Perfectionist

🕹️ Complete all other Weekly Objectives

🎴 1 x Jumbo Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

26/04/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

26/04/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

26/04/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

26/04/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Record Breaker Shane Long

🕹️ Score using Southampton players in 4 SB wins on min. semi-pro difficulty

1 x 83 🇮🇪 ST: Shane Long (Southampton) (untradeable Record Breaker item)

IMO Derby d’Italia

🕹️ Win 2 SB matches using a squad with specific requirements

Min. 3 Juventus players, min. 3 Inter players, min. professional difficulty

🎴 1 x Serie A Premium Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Revierderby

🕹️ Win 2 SB matches using a squad with specific requirements

Min. 3 Dortmund players, min. 3 Schalke 04 players, min. professional difficulty

🎴 1 x Bundesliga Premium Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Hunter

🕹️ Assist 10 goals using TOTW players

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style item (untradeable)

IMO Shadow

🕹️ Keep 6 clean sheets

🎴 1 x Shadow chemistry style item (untradeable)

IMO Bronze Challenge

🕹️ Win 3 online single matches using only bronze players

🎴 1 x Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

19/04/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

19/04/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

19/04/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

19/04/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Jordan Henderson

🕹️ Win 8 online single matches using 11 gold rare English players

1 x 86 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 CDM: Jordan Henderson (Liverpool) (untradeable TOTT item)

IMO Daniel Wass

🕹️ Score using La Liga players in 10 separate Rivals wins

1 x 86 🇩🇰 CM: Daniel Wass (Valencia) (untradeable TOTT item)

IMO João Félix

🕹️ Score in 5 separate SB wins using players from Portugal on min. Pro difficulty

1 x 84 🇵🇹 ST: João Félix (SL Benfica) (untradeable TOTT item)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Play 14 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Score using an Italian player in 4 separate Rivals matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Score twice in 8 separate wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO King’s Day

🕹️ Score 5 goals using a Dutch player across any FUT game modes

👕 1 x Neatherland King’s Day kit (untradeable)

IMO adidas UCL Finale Madrid

🕹️ Play 15 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 1 x adidas UCL Finale Madrid ball (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

12/04/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

12/04/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

12/04/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

12/04/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Max Aarons

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 silver English players

1 x 84 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 RB: Max Aarons (untradeable EFL YPOTS item)

IMO Teemu Pukki

🕹️ Score in 4 separate online single matches using ELF Championship players

1 x 86 🇫🇮 ST: Teemu Pukki (untradeable EFL Championship POTS item )

IMO James Collins

🕹️ Score 7 goals using players from the Republic of Ireland in Squad Battles on min. Pro difficulty

1 x 86 🇮🇪 ST: James Collins (untradeable EFL League One POTS item)

IMO James Norwood

🕹️ Win 2 matches by at least 2 goals in Squad Battles on min. Pro difficulty

1 x 80 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ST: James Norwood (untradeable EFL League Two POTS item)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score using a UEFA Champions League Rare player in 4 separate wins across any FUT game modes

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Win 8 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO adidas UCL Finale 18 Winter

🕹️ Play 2 friendly seasons matches

🎴 1 x adidas UCL Finale 18 Winter item (untradeable)

IMO adidas UCL Finale 18

🕹️ Score 10 goals across any FUT game modes

🎴 1 x adidas UCL Finale 18 item (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

05/04/2019 (Fri) 08:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

05/04/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

05/04/2019 (Fri) 02:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

05/04/2019 (Fri) 11:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score using Colombian players in 3 separate Rivals wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Win 7 matches by two goals

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Play 13 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Draft Token

🕹️ Score 6 goals using silver players in SB on min. Professional difficulty

🎴 1 x Draft token (untradeable)

IMO Draft Wins

🕹️ Win 4 online Draft matches

🎴 1 x Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO FUT Champions Goals

🕹️ Score in 5 separate Rivals wins using FUT Champions players

🎴 1 x Mega Pack (untradeable)

IMO Hunter

🕹️ Score 5 goals from crosses in SB on min. semi-pro difficulty

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style item (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

29/03/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

29/03/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

29/03/2019 (Fri) 02:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

29/03/2019 (Fri) 11:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO FUT Birthday Milinkovic-Savic

🕹️ Score using Serie A TIM Players in 10 separate Rivals matches

1 x 89 🇷🇸 RB: Sergej Milinković-Savić (Lazio) (untradeable FUT Birthday item)

IMO FUT Birthday Boateng

🕹️ Score using German players in 10 separate Rivals wins

1 x 89 🇩🇪 CDM: Jérôme Boateng (Bayern München) (untradeable FUT Birthday item)

IMO FUT Birthday Guarín

🕹️ Win 7 online single matches using 11 chinese super league players

1 x 87 🇨🇴 CM: Fredy Guarín (Shanghai GS) (untradeable FUT Birthday item)

IMO Prime Icon Moments

🕹️ Assist 10 goals in Squad Battles min. semi-pro

🎴 1 xLoan Prime Icon Moments Pack (untradeable)

IMO Every Goal Counts

🕹️ Score 20 goals in rivals

🎴 1 x Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

22/03/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

22/03/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

22/03/2019 (Fri) 02:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

22/03/2019 (Fri) 11:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO FUT Birthday Zlatan

🕹️ Win 9 online single matches using a squad with specified requirements

MLS Players: 11

Disallowed Rarities: Flashback, ICONS

Disallowed Leagues: ENG 1, SPA 1, GER 1, FRA 1, ITA 1

1 x 89 🇸🇪 CB: Zlatan Ibrahimović (Los Angeles Galaxy) (untradeable)

IMO FUT Birthday Naldo

🕹️ Win 7 online single matches using 11 common Ligue 1 players

MLS Players: 11

Disallowed Rarities: Flashback, ICONS

Disallowed Leagues: ENG 1, SPA 1, GER 1, ITA 1

1 x 88 🇧🇷 CDM: Naldo (AS Monaco) (untradeable)

IMO FUT Birthday Gervinho

🕹️ Win 8 online single matches using 11 common Serie A players

MLS Players: 11

Disallowed Rarities: Flashback, ICONS

Disallowed Leagues: ENG 1, SPA 1, GER 1, FRA 1

1 x 87 🇨🇮 LW: Gervinho (Parma) (untradeable)

IMO FUT Birthday Sané

🕹️ Assist 10 goals using Premier League players in SB on min. Professional difficulty

1 x 90 🇩🇪 CAM: Leroy Sané (Manchester City) [LOAN]

IMO Prime ICON Moments

🕹️ Score in 3 separate matches using FUT Birthday players

1 x Loan Prime ICON Moments players

IMO FUT Birthday

🕹️ Assist 3 goals using FUT Birthday players

👕 1 x adidas 3d Kit (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

15/03/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

15/03/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

15/03/2019 (Fri) 02:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

15/03/2019 (Fri) 11:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Win 4 SB matches on min. Professional difficulty using 11 Chinese Super League (CSL) players

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Assist using a UEFA Champions League player in 4 separate wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Score using German players in 3 separate Rival matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO St. Patrick’s Day

🕹️ Win 3 online single matches using at least 8 players from the Republic of Ireland

🎴 Prime Gold Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Le Classique

🕹️ Win a SB match using a squad with specified requirements

Details: Min 3 PSG Players, Min. 3 Ol. Marseille Players, Minimum difficulty World Class

🎴 League Premium Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

08/03/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

08/03/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

08/03/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

08/03/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score using Argentinian players in 3 separate Rival matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Score twice in 6 separate online wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Brazil

🕹️ Win 10 separate online single matches using 11 silver Brazilian players

88 Anderson Talisca – Cariball item (untradeable)

IMO France

🕹️ Score in 8 separate online single matches wins using silver French players

86 Hatem Ben Arfa – Cariball item (untradeable)

IMO Germany

🕹️ Win 9 separate online single matches using 11 silver German players

86 Emre Can – Cariball item (untradeable)

IMO United States

🕹️ Score in 4 separate SB wins (min. Professional difficulty) using players from United States

84 Timothy Weah – Cariball item (untradeable)

IMO Carniball

🕹️ Score a bicycle kick in any FUT game mode

👕 1 x Carniball Kit (untradeable)

IMO The Clasico Regio

🕹️ Win a SB match using a squad with specified requirements

Details: Min 3 Monterrey Players, Min. 3 Tigres UANL Players, Minimum difficulty Professional

🎴 Rare Silver Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

01/03/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

01/03/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

01/03/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

01/03/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Play 10 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Score twice in 9 separate wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Score in 3 separate Friendly Seasons matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Rare Players Pack

🕹️ Win 6 online single matches using only silver players

🎴 1 x Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Draft Token

🕹️ Assist 5 goals using silver players in SB on min. professional difficulty

🎴 1 x Draft Token

IMO Latin America

🕹️ Score 4 or more goals from crosses

👕 1 x LATAM Kit (untradeable)

IMO Brazil

🕹️ Win a match using at least 7 Brazilian players

👕 1 x Brazil Kit (untradeable)

IMO Argentina

🕹️ Assist 5 or more goals using Argentinian players

👕 1 x Argentina Kit (untradeable)

IMO The Roma Derby

🕹️ Win 2 SB matches using a squad with specified requirements

Details: Roma players: min 3, Lazio players: min 3, Minimum difficulty: professional

🎴 Rare Silver Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

22/02/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

22/02/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

22/02/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

22/02/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Prime Icon Moments

🕹️ Win 3 SB by two goals on min. professional difficulty

🎴 1 x Prime ICON Moments player (loan)


🕹️ Assist in 5 separate Rivals wins using TOTW players

🎴 1 x TOTW player (untradeable)

IMO LaLiga Upgrade

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 silver LaLiga players

No gold players allowed

🎴 LaLiga Prime Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Ligue 1 Upgrade

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 silver Ligue 1 players

No gold players allowed

🎴 Ligue 1 Prime Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Mexico

🕹️ Score 6 goals using Mexican players

👕 1 x Mexican Kit (untradeable)

IMO Colombia

🕹️ Assist 4 goals using Colombian players

👕 1 x Colombia Kit (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

15/02/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

15/02/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

15/02/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

15/02/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score in 2 separate friendly seasons matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Score in 7 separate online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Win 6 matches by two goals

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Ones to Watch

🕹️ Score in 7 separate rivals wins using TOTW players

🎴 1 x OTW player (untradeable)

IMO Prime Icon Moments

🕹️ Score 8 goals in SB on minimum Professional difficulty

🎴 1 x Prime ICON Moments player (loan)

IMO Premier League Upgrade

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 silver Premier League players

No gold players allowed

🎴 Premier League Premium Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Serie A Upgrade

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 silver Serie A players

No gold players allowed

🎴 Serie A Premium Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Bundesliga Upgrade

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 silver Bundesliga players

No gold players allowed

🎴 Bundesliga Premium Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Debut Goals

🕹️ Score a goal using a player in their debut match for your club

👕 1 x Ones to Watch Kit (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

08/02/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

08/02/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

08/02/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

08/02/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Score using Brazilian players in 4 separate Rivals wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Win 8 online matches this week

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Northern Lights

🕹️ Win a match using a squad featuring a player from each Nordic country

Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

👕 1 x Fokohaela Northern Lights Kit (untradeable)

IMO Hunter

🕹️ Score using an Ultimate Scream player in 3 separate matches

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style (untradeable)

IMO Shadow

🕹️ Score 5 goals from crosses in SB on min. semi-pro difficulty

🎴 1 x Shadow chemistry style (untradeable)

IMO Silver

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using only silver players

🎴 Prime Gold Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Bronze

🕹️ Win 4 SB matches using only Bronze players on min. semi-pro difficulty

🎴 Rare Silver Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO The Madrid Derby

🕹️ Win 4 SB matches using a squad with specified requirements

Details: Min. 3 Atlético players; Min. 3 Real Madrid players; Minimum difficulty: Professional

🎴 Rare Gold Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

01/02/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

01/02/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

01/02/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

01/02/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Kerem Demirbay

🕹️ Win 8 Rivals matches using 11 German players

85 🇩🇪 CAM: Kerem Demirbay (untradeable)

IMO Lunar New Year

🕹️ Score 8 goals using Chinese Super League players

👕 1 x Lunar New Year kit (untradeable)

IMO LaLiga Santander

🕹️ Score 5 goals using LaLiga Santander players

👕 1 x LaLiga kit (untradeable)

IMO Samurai Blue

🕹️ Win 4 SB matches using 11 Japanese players on min. Professional difficulty

🎴 Rare Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Leeds v Norwich

🕹️ Win 5 online single matches using 11 EFL Championship players

Disallowed Leagues: Premier League, Ligue 1, Serie A, Bundesliga and La Liga

Disallowed Rarities: ICONS, Flashback

🎴 Prime Gold Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players I

🕹️ Win 4 Rivals matches by 2 goals

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players II

🕹️ Play 15 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Players III

🕹️ Score twice in 10 wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

25/01/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

25/01/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

25/01/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

25/01/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Future Stars Nominee

🕹️ Win 10 online single matches without using players from specific leagues

Disallowed Leagues: Icons, Premier League, Ligue 1, Serie A, Bundesliga and La Liga

78 🇫🇷 Allan Saint-Maximin Stars item (untradeable)

IMO Loan Nakata

🕹️ Win 3 SB matches using a squad with specific requirements

Japan players: min 4 | Serie A players: min 3 | Min difficulty: semi-pro

88 🇯🇵 Hidetoshi Nakata ICON card (10-matches loan)

IMO Flashback Rooney

🕹️ Win 3 matches using a squad featuring 3 players from each club Rooney has played for

90 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 CF: Wayne Rooney Flashback card (10-matches loan)


🕹️ Score 5 goals from crosses

👕 1 x TOTW Home kit (untradeable)

IMO Burns Night

🕹️ Score 4 goals using Scottish players

👕 1 x Biffy Clyro kit (untradeable)

IMO Feyenoord v Ajax

🕹️ Win 3 SB matches using featuring 3 players from each club (min. dif. professional)

🎴 Jumbo Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO FC Nantes v AS Saint-Étienne

🕹️ Win 3 SB matches using featuring 4 players from each club (min. dif. world class)

🎴 Jumbo Premium Gold Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

18/01/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

18/01/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

18/01/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

18/01/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO FUT Future Stars

🕹️ Win 14 online single matches using 11 Ligue 1 Conforma players

You cannot use players from following leagues: Icons, Premier League, LaLiga, Bundesliga and Serie A

86 🇵🇹 Rafael Leão Future Stars item (untradeable)

IMO Loan Vinícius Júnior

🕹️ Assist 7 goals using LaLiga Santander players on SB min. semi-pro difficulty

92 🇧🇷 Vinícius Júnior Future Stars item (10 matches-loan)

IMO Future Goals

🕹️ Score in 3 separate online wins using FUT Future Stars

🎴 Two Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Score twice in 10 separate online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score in 17 separate matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player III

🕹️ Score using Belgian players in 4 separate Rivals

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Arsenal v Chelsea

🕹️ Win 3 SB matches on min. dif. professional using a squad featuring 2 players from each club

🎴 Jumbo Gold Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

11/01/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

11/01/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

11/01/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO TOTY Nominee Vrsaljko

🕹️ Score using Serie A TIM players in 12 separate online single matche wins

81 🇭🇷 RB: Šime Vrsaljko TOTY nominee item (untradeable)

IMO TOTY Fan Choice

🕹️ Win 2 squad battles matches on minimum world class difficulty

97 🇧🇷 LW: Neymar TOTY item (10 matches loan)

IMO Team Zlatan

🕹️ Win a SB match on min. pro difficulty with a squad featuring a player from each Ibra’s club

92 🇸🇪 ST: Zlatan Ibrahimovic Flashback item (15 matches loan)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 10 matches by two goals

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score in 3 separate friendly seasons matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Lack of Finesse

🕹️ Win 3 online single matches without scoring finesse shots

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style

IMO Ibracadabra

🕹️ Score a bicycle kick using Zlatan Ibrahimovic

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

04/01/2019 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

04/01/2019 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

04/01/2019 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

04/01/2019 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Team of the Year

🕹️ Score 11 goals across any FUT game modes

👕 Team of the Year (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 10 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score in 5 Rivals matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player III

🕹️ Score in 15 separate matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Flashback Tévez

🕹️ Score 3 goals using Low Driven shots

🎴 1 x Flashback Tévez Item (10 matches loan)

IMO Argentina

🕹️ Score using Argentinian players in 7 separate online single matches

🎴 1x Rare Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Legendary

🕹️ Win 2 squad battles matches on minimum Legendary difficulty

🎴 1x Hunter chemistry style (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

28/12/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

28/12/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

28/12/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

28/12/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Play 5

🕹️ Play 5 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 1x Premium Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Play 15

🕹️ Play 15 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Loan Player 86-90 rated

IMO Play 25

🕹️ Play 25 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Loan Icon

IMO Hunter

🕹️ Score twice in 7 separate wins

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style (untradeable)

IMO Shadow

🕹️ Keep 7 clean sheets

🎴 1 x Shadow chemistry style (untradeable)

IMO Bronze Classic

🕹️ Win 8 online single matches using only Bronze players

🎴 1x Gold Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Just for Kicks

🕹️ Score in 10 separate online single matches

🎴 1x Rare Bonze Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

21/12/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

21/12/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

21/12/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

21/12/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 15 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score twice in 7 separate Rivals wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player III

🕹️ Score using Bundesliga players in 4 separate Rivals matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)


🕹️ Play 5 matches across any FUT game modes

👕 FUTMas Themed kit 1 (untradeable)

IMO FUTMas Santi

🕹️ Win 9 online single matches using only silver players

🎴 1 x Santi Cazorla FUTMas 85 rated card (untradeable)

IMO Common Goal

🕹️ Score 5 goals in Squad Battles

👕 Common Goal kit (untradeable)

IMO MLS Encore

🕹️ Score 10 goals using MLS players in Squad Battles

🎴 Prime Silver Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

14/12/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

14/12/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

14/12/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

14/12/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)


🕹️ Win 6 online single matches using 11 MLS players

🎴 1 x Josef Martinez MVP 86 rated card (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Score in 14 matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score using Ligue 1 Conforama players in 4 separate Rivals matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)


🕹️ Play 3 online matches

👕 FUTMas Themed kit 2 (untradeable)

IMO FUTMas Goals

🕹️ Score using FUTMas players in 6 separate matches

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style (untradeable)

IMO FUTMas Assists

🕹️ Assist using FUTMas players in 6 separate matches

🎴 1 x Shadow chemistry style (untradeable)

IMO The Turin Derby

🕹️ Assist using Juventus players in 5 separate Rivals matches (option 1)

🕹️ Score using Torino players in 5 separate Rivals matches (option 2)

🎴 Two Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

07/12/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

07/12/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

07/12/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

07/12/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Team of the Group Stage

🕹️ Score using Italian players in 8 separate Rivals wins

84 🇮🇹 CDM: Marco Parolo (Lazio) Europa League TOTGS item (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 12 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score twice in 10 wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player III

🕹️ Score using LaLiga Santander players in 4 separate Rivals wins

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Legendary

🕹️ Win 3 Squad Battles matches by two goals on min. legendary difficulty

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style (untradeable)

IMO Open Space

🕹️ Assist using through balls in 4 separate matches

🎴 1 x CF-CAM position modifier (untradeable)

IMO The Riyadh Derby

🕹️ Score using Al Hilal players in 2 separate online single matches wins (option 1)

🕹️ Score using Al-Nassr players in 2 separate online single matches wins (option 2)

🎴 Rare Consumables Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

30/11/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

30/11/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

30/11/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

30/11/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO FC Bayern Munchen

🕹️ Score 5 goals using FC Bayern players

👕 FC Bayern Munchen 4th kit (untradeable)

IMO Juventus

🕹️ Score 5 goals using Juventus players

👕 Juventus 4th kit (untradeable)

IMO Manchester United

🕹️ Score 5 goals using Manchester United players

👕 Manchester United 4th kit (untradeable)

IMO Real Madrid

🕹️ Score 5 goals using Real Madrid players

👕 Real Madrid 4th kit (untradeable)

IMO Eliteserien Player of the Year

🕹️ Score using Norwegian players in 3 separate macthes

🎴 1 x 82 André Hasen POTY item (untradeable)

IMO Three Friendlies

🕹️ Play 3 or more friendly seasons matches

👕 Rainbow kit (untradeable)

IMO The Merseyside Derby

🕹️ Score using Everton players in 2 separate online single match wins (option 1)

🕹️ Score using Liverpool players in 2 separate online single match wins (option 2)

🎴 Two Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO FUT Champions Cup

🕹️ Win 5 Rivals matches by two goals

🎴 Premium Gold Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

23/11/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

23/11/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

23/11/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

23/11/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Win 5

🕹️ Win 5 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Jumbo Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Win 10

🕹️ Win 10 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Draft Token (untradeable)

IMO Win 15

🕹️ Win 5 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Mega Pack (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 8 online matches

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score 30 goals in Rivals

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player III

🕹️ Score using Spanish players in 3 separate Rivals

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO F2 Football Club

🕹️ Score a bicyle kick in any FUT game mode

👕 F2 Football Club kit (untradeable)

IMO Flashback

🕹️ Score 5 goals using Flashback players in Rivals

🎴 Two Rare Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO The Second City Derby

🕹️ Score with an Aston Villa player in an online single match (you can get a different challenge)

🎴 Gold Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

16/11/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

16/11/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

16/11/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

16/11/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO PFAI Player of the Year

🕹️ Score 7 goals using SSE Airtricity players

🎴 1x Michael Duffy Award Winner Item (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Play 10 matches across any online FUT game modes

🎴 1 x 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 RB: Darnell Johnson Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score 2 goals in 7 separate wins

🎴 1 x 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 RB: Tyler Reid Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player III

🕹️ Play 3 online single matches

🎴 1 x 🇹🇷 CDM: Gokay Guney Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Casual Mode

🕹️ Score in 5 separate online single matches

🎴 Rare Consumable Pack (untradeable)

IMO England v Croatia

🕹️ Score using English players in 2 separate online single match wins

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)


🕹️ Score 3 goals from crosses

👕 FIFA Mobile kit (untradeable)

IMO Mexico

🕹️ Play a match using a squad with 3 Mexican players

👕 Zarape kit (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

09/11/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UTC +1)

09/11/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UTC +0)

09/11/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EST (UTC -5)

09/11/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UTC -8)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 10 matches by two goals

🎴 1 x 🇦🇷 CDM: Julian Chicco Swap Deals Player Item (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score 20 goals in Rivals

🎴 1 x 🇪🇸 LB: Sergi Alamo Swap Deals Player Item (untradeable)

IMO Road to the Final

🕹️ Score using a Bundesliga player in 10 separate Rivals wins

🎴 1 x Jonathan Tah UEFA European League item (untradeable)

IMO The Sheffield Derby

🕹️ Score with a Sheffield United player in an online single match

🎴 Premium Electrum Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO World Class

🕹️ Win 2 squad battles matches on min. world class difficulty

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style item (untradeable)

IMO Finesse

🕹️ Score 7 goals using finesse shots

🎴 Silver Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

02/11/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

02/11/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

02/11/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

02/11/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Arsenal v Liverpool

🕹️ Score with a Liverpool player in 4 separate Rivals matches

🎴 Jumbo Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Russia

🕹️ Assist 3 goals using Russian players

👕 Russia kit (untradeable)

IMO Japan

🕹️ Play a match using a squad with at least 3 Japanese players

👕 Japan kit

IMO The Intercontinental Derby

🕹️ Score 5 goals using Super Lig players in SB on min. professional difficulty

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Movember

🕹️ Score at least 3 goals using flair shots

👕 Movember kit

IMO Solid Defence

🕹️ Keep 6 clean sheets

🎴 1 x Shadow chemistry style

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

26/10/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

26/10/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

26/10/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

26/10/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Ultimate Scream

🕹️ Score with a Dutch player in 6 separate Rivals matches

🎴 1x Ultimate Scream Daley Blind item (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 4 Rivals matches

🎴 Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Stand up to Cancer

🕹️ Score 10 goals

👕 Stand up to Cancer kit

IMO El Clásico

🕹️ Score using a Real Madrid player in 3 separate Rivals matches

🎴 Electrum Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Driven

🕹️ Score 5 goals using low driven shots on min. professional difficulty

🎴 Hunter chemistry style (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

19/10/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

19/10/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

19/10/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

19/10/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Ultimate Scream

🕹️ Score with an Italian player in 4 separate Rivals matches

🎴 1x Ultimate Scream Balotelli item (untradeable)

IMO Three Screamers

🕹️ Score with an Ultimate Scream player in 3 separate matches

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Fear of Heights

🕹️ Score 10 headers

🎴 Silver Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Score twice in 5 separate Rivals matches

🎴 Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Chelsea V Manchester United

🕹️ Score 4 goals using Manchester United players in Rivals

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

12/10/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

12/10/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

12/10/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

12/10/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 8 matches by two goals

🎴 Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player II

🕹️ Score in 5 separate rivals matches

🎴 Swap Deals Player (untradeable)

IMO International Friendlies

🕹️ Play 2 friendly seasons matches

🎴 Silver Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Brazil v Argentina

🕹️ Score with a Brazilian player in 3 separate Rivals wins

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Netherlands v Germany

🕹️ Assist 5 goals using German players in rivals

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Through Balls

🕹️ Assist 7 goals using through balls

🎴 Gold Squad Fitness item (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

05/10/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

05/10/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

05/10/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

05/10/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

IMO Oktoberfest

🕹️ Assist 7 goals using Bundesliga players across any FUT game modes

👕 Oktoberfest kit (untradeable)

IMO Finesse

🕹️ Score 10 goals using finesse shots across any FUT game modes

👕 FC Killa Villa kit (untradeable)

IMO One to Watch

🕹️ Score with a Serie A TIM player in 5 separate Rivals wins

🎴 OTW Verdi (untradeable)

IMO World Class

🕹️ Score 8 goals using a OTW player on min. World Class difficulty

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

IMO Play Eleven

🕹️ Play 11+ matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Gold squad fitness item (untradeable)

SMO Good Deals

🕹️ Buy 7 players (using buy now) for at least 900 coins each

🎴 Silver Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

28/09/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

28/09/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

28/09/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

28/09/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

SMO Starter Squad

🕹️ Purchase eleven or more players (using buy it now) on the Transfer Market this week

🎴 Manager item (untradeable)

IMO Legendary Assist

🕹️ Assist 20 goals in Squad Battles on min. legendary difficulty

🎴 Premium Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Squad Battles

🕹️ Win 4 squad battles matches on min. preofessional difficulty

🎴 Shadow chemistry style

IMO Play Ten

🕹️ Play ten or more matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Reward not announced

IMO Low Crosses

🕹️ Score four or more goals from low crosses

🎴 Reward not announced (untradeable)

IMO Ones to Watch

🕹️ Play three or more Squad battles matches

👕 Ones to Watch kit (untradeable)

IMO Rivals

🕹️ Play four rivals matches

🎴 Anchor Chemistry Style (untradeable)

IMO Attacking Mentality

🕹️ Score 15 goals in Rivals

🎴 Two Players Pack (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

21/09/2018 (Fri) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

21/09/2018 (Fri) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

21/09/2018 (Fri) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

21/09/2018 (Fri) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

SMO Starter Squad

🕹️ Purchase eleven or more players (using buy it now) on the Transfer Market this week

🎴 Manager item (untradeable)

IMO Legendary Assist

🕹️ Assist 20 goals in Squad Battles on min. legendary difficulty

🎴 Premium Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Squad Battles

🕹️ Win 4 squad battles matches on min. preofessional difficulty

🎴 Shadow chemistry style

IMO Play Ten

🕹️ Play ten or more matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Reward not announced

IMO Low Crosses

🕹️ Score four or more goals from low crosses

🎴 Reward not announced (untradeable)

🕰️ RELEASE DATES & TIMES | When new FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives are refreshed

19/09/2018 (Wed) 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CEST (UTC +2)

19/09/2018 (Wed) 06:00pm 🇬🇧 BST (UTC +1)

19/09/2018 (Wed) 01:00pm 🇺🇸🇨🇦 EDT (UTC -4)

19/09/2018 (Wed) 10:00am 🇺🇸 PDT (UTC -7)

SMO Starter Squad

🕹️ Purchase eleven or more players (using buy it now) on the Transfer Market this week

🎴 Manager item (untradeable)

IMO Legendary Assist

🕹️ Assist 20 goals in Squad Battles on min. legendary difficulty

🎴 Premium Gold Pack (untradeable)

IMO Squad Battles

🕹️ Win 4 squad battles matches on min. preofessional difficulty

🎴 Shadow chemistry style

IMO Play Ten

🕹️ Play ten or more matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 Reward not announced

IMO Low Crosses

🕹️ Score four or more goals from low crosses

🎴 Reward not announced (untradeable)

IMO Swap Deals Player

🕹️ Win 15 matches across any FUT game modes

🎴 1 x Swap Deals Player (untradeable) IMO Hunter

🕹️ Score using an Ultimate Scream player in 3 separate matches

🎴 1 x Hunter chemistry style (untradeable)

Celebrating 10 years since FIFA 09 introduced Ultimate Team as a pa > .

For Week 2’s players (Milinkovic-Savic, Boateng, and Guarin), check out our guide.

On top of the 21 players that are in packs, there will be eleven FUT Birthday or Anniversary players available from SBCs throughout the week. On top of those, six players can be earned from FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives.

The FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Weekly Objectives players are:

    Gervinho – LW – Parma – 87 – Win 8 Online Single Matches using 11 Common Serie A players. Ibrahimovic – CB – LA Galaxy – 89 – Win 9 Online Single Matches using a squad with specified requirements. You must have 11 MLS players, with no Flashback or Icon players. Naldo – CDM – Monaco – 88 – Win 7 Online Single Matches using 11 Common Ligue 1 players. Sane – CAM – Man City – 90 – Assist 10 goals using Premier League players in Squad Battles. This is a loan card, however.

For the Ligue 1 and Serie A players needed to complete the FUT Birthday Weekly Objectives, you shouldn’t have any issues picking up the common players, for the MLS players though, expect to spend quite a lot for the decent ones.

Also, unlike for the Carniball Weekly Objectives a few weeks ago, there’s no way to complete more than one at a time. You will have to work through them in the order you want them.

Be prepared to spend a while in Online Single Matches this week to get the FUT Birthday versions of Gervinho, Naldo, and Zlatan. You’ll need to win 24 matches in total.

We’ll be sure to update you as more FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Players are added.

That’s everything you need to know about How to get FUT Birthday Weekly Objectives players in FIFA 19 (Gervinho, Ibrahimovic, Naldo, Sane). For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite.

For Week 2’s players (Milinkovic-Savic, Boateng, and Guarin), check out our guide. On top of the 21 players that are in packs, there will be eleven FUT Birthday or Anniversary players available from SBCs throughout the week. On top of those, six players can be earned from FIFA 19 Weekly Objectives. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

- Buy Cheap Fifa Coins & Open Packs : bit. ly/2X62gJ0 Use "Haber" For 5% OFF!

Fifa 19, Ultimate team, TOTS Weekly Objectives, TOTS Declan Rice, TOTS Rice, TOTS Lucas Digne, TOTS Digne, Objectives, Quick, How to complete, Fastest way to complete, Quickest method

►► Business Email: itshaberbusiness@gmail. com

►► Check out GTOmega! Use code "Haber" for 5% off! www. gtomegaracing. com

►► Become a Member here: ru-tv. org/ch/UCR-W.

►► Second Channel:

Ru-tv. org/ch/UCAi7.


-Twitch: www. twitch. tv/itshaber

-Twitter: twitter. com/Itshaber

-Instagram: instagram. com/ryanhaberyt/

-Snapchat: Ryanbrett55

-Join My Discord: discord. gg/Qfjcjg





I did it with RTTF alonso and just played him at striker and hes actually a really good striker

I did the digne with Valencia and put him om the wing in game so he was in attack alot

I dont know how World Class is so easy for everybody. They push my shit in on that difficulty.

Why would you wanna do HIM🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

Or the squad battles one you can just be good at the game

I dont play Rivals so i am in division 9🤓to do this challenges

I need help - I’ve assisted over 15 goals with English players on squad battles but it’s stuck saying I only have 7

Not watched this vid, just put my fullbacks at lam and ram in game, did it in 5 games

I did it with fut champs lindelof

I'm in div 3 and I got done him in 3 games

Anyone wanna help me on ps4

Nice i will get this card and send him on sbc

I put the defenders in in midfield or strikers

LOL My team is future star clavert future star foden and flashback sturridge

Little hint for you: Use 5-3-2, best formation for this

I can’t refresh my opponents in sbs

Thanks for the advice. What’s your opinion on Desailly?

My leighton baines flashback got every assist from crosses and corners

Put your LB to LWB and play LWB as LW and same with RB and u still get defender assist

So rice can be unlocked by playing sb games instead of rivals as they described it.

So if I start Alonso on LB and move him to LM do the assist count?

Tyrone mings The scream card is Absolutely beast with 99 pace and 99 crossing and 99 passing i try him lw he is the best to do with

Is was struggeling but with This i got 2 in a row thankyou very much

I like the vid but i dont like that you support coins sellers

I got this easy with a Jesse as CAM from England for Rice and Using Leighton Baines on CAM for Digne.

Rice was so easy, i did it in just 1 game only, 15-0 lol

Just use a team with right and left wing backs in RW and LW easy

My attack is - Sterling Potm ST Vardy Potm and salah so I'm sorted

I played 8 games and assisted in each game with a deffender, but 5 of the games ended up with a draw 😓

I found digne and fraser normal in a pack. Will fifa replace them with their tots version? (Fifa has done this with rodrigo and onana last week)

How do i refresh squad battles opponents??

In the top Right you have a timer. you can only do it twice a day

+Laurenz Fritsch It doesnt show me the option to refresh it. I press r2 but still nothing

For the defender 1 i made a whole team of defenders

Or just run the whole pitch with wan Bissaka like I do 100% of the time doesn’t work

I got 4 wins in a row for the tots digne challenge, using 3-4-3 with left backs as wingers; set to stay wide and get in behind, and everyone else was set to get into box for cross except for my 3 CB’s and my CDM ( make sure you got someone good at headers and also put catalyst chem styles on the fullbacks for better crosses ) and all set pieces should be by your defenders ✌🏾

TOTS Gomis was a nightmare! Online Single Matches in searching players are nowhere to be found. Not many players play in that mode. Using 11 Saudi Professional League players is very bad. They can’t shoot and pass the ball.

Alex Gallifa Agree! I get the advantage as home. Took me hours to complete this challenge because too many players are backing out. Only managed to win 1 as Away while the win 4 as Home. Lol.

Home wins on discord I did it in 15 mins

You should do trading guides

You gained a subscriber with this video, thanks 😄

Bought TOTS Doherty and put him at RW, helped me out a lot.

I used fut birthday Lukaku and did the digne objective in only 6 games!

Completed digne in 2 hours 👌🏻

I've assisted some goals with inform robertson and won the game but it didn't count.

Asroneclums honda yea I did

Oscar Trinidad did you win the game?

I recommend for Digne TOTS is first of all secure your win by scoring 2 or more goals and then start assisting

Well, most people have hope to tie up at that point you need try harder

People will just quit so that you dont get it done

Idk why i watched this video if i dont even play fifa anymore lol

I did the fut birthday lukaku sbc and hes a CB so i just stuck him upfront

I used Sinclair to link to Carniball Weah to link to RTTF Pulisic to do both the FUT swap and Rice at the same time

+My man Paul pogba I can't even remember what I had to do to get him TBH, he's just in my club so I used him

Joshua Liley wish I had weah he would have made it so much easier than using pulisic and Johnson

How do you refresh the squads

Which Formation do you play ingame ✌

Anyone know if lb salah or cb lukaku work?

Thank you so much for this, I went from 0 successes in 12 matches to doing 5 in 7 matches for digne.

If you got alonso just put him as cam in game. Not hard

Is there any point doing it if you have alonso, surely he’s much better than digne in game?

Stick a Van Dijk in dm with schar, and 2 full backs on the wing as they all still get some chem, I done it in like 7 games🙌🏼

Literally won one game 23-0 for Rice😂

My man Paul pogba please relax, never claimed anything like that. Was only saying that everyone will be able to do it easier than they thought.

Lewis Wing yeah against a squad on world class Do u think ur tekx or summt

You could have started 532 so everybody would have been on full chem

I got 2 assists from a right back and it doesn’t count, for digne, does rb count?

Is it possible to put a defender as a striker if the game start after 5 minutes?

I made a full team of England cos it was difficult with 1

I did these in the first day

It's so easy. Digne today done. Yesterday rice. I can't believe people can not do it

+jack smith I'm in division one as well. When you play smart you can get is easy.

Fifamaster16 fifaking taking me ages because I’m in div 1. It’s easy in low divisions

I got all the assists for digne but people kept doing a glitch where I don't get the assists

+HalpinV1 your so ignorant you think I can't read I was winning then they quit don't talk when you don't know shit

You have to win the game too, there’s no “glitch” shut up

I Just use the Europa league Marcos Alonso on corners and free kicks and set up my teammates

Well in my actual starting 11, I have Shearer, POTM Sterling and red fut champs Dwight Gayle (ST Version) on the bench so I can use them 3 and I have Kyle walker in RB too.

A smart love is to swap in them as cam

On digne i used team of the season Alderweireld Insane passes

Would it work if I had fut birthday salah but in game moved him to right wing.

You could put your full backs to LWB and RWB then put them in a 433 position at LW and RW

Thomas Hall 7 chem shouldn’t be to bad depending on the defenders you use, and you can always use stats boosts 👍🏻

Does having defenders out of position work? As I was thinking of doing this.

TOTS Rice was very easy. If you can find an opponent that has a 1 star team with a very poor chemistry then you should be good. AI is a freaking cheater. Bronze GK blocks all of my 90+ rated strikers shot.

Orlando Calderon Few weeks ago there was one team with KDB in goal, man this was unreal what this guy saved! I mean I still won 12-0 (worldclass) but you could feel the scripting harder than ever (for me atleast lol)

My gullit gets pushed off the ball by Lee Doon Gook..uhm okey seems legit

+lircoc yup, my opponent have a Piatek xd

And the goalie sometimes is a cdm

This shit is fucken hard for me lmao I been struggling I only get 86-90 rated teams

I am and I am sorry I can explain, I am late because I needed to do some stuff sorry bro!😬😬😬❤❤❤🔥. It's a great Video though

It took me 5 games which isn’t that bad

Can you use defenders in offensive positions

It's actually pretty easy to get tots digne. you can play 5 sb games in beginner as your difficulty because the weekly objective doesn't have a min. difficulty. hope this helps for everyone

Oh my bad. i read the objective wrongly. sorry guys

Nigga thought he outsmarted everyone tryna get digne

Sharvesh Kelvin you need to do it in Division Rivals.

A smart move would be to let your fullbacks take the corners as well

What I did was use custom tactics and changed my Valencia to RW and cause I’ve got Future star joelinton at ST I was just headed all of them

Aaron 03 Scream Tyrone mings at corners 99 passing and a defender

Pauwel Kwakzalver tots sissoko taking corners for me

I played with a full English team, won the first game 11-0, only managed to get 4 assists from it. the amount of times that the ball hit the post and my players scored rebounds. the game really doesn’t want me to get the assists 😂

BENndOWEN7 keeper saves them and score tap ins, off post and players get tap ins, had a pen as well, drives me mad 😂

+BENndOWEN7 rebound off post no assist

How didn’t u get 11 assists if u scored 11 goals?😂

I won my fist 8-0 and got 6 assists

+Limpy Wrath yeah I used prime moment shearer, Gerrard, Moore and red sterling but couldn't get those assists

I made digne the way that i put mendy in lw and put sane in lb and then swaped back

I used fut birthday salah

The way to do the xbox glitch is by Jk Great video btw

Tots digne or Robertson if 86?

+Bobs0707gaming 1 i think Digne is better with those stats.

+Bobs0707gaming 1 so robertson is better then Digne? 😲😏

Use robertson but bring Digne on for left back he plays well there

I have got 3 out of 5 for digne in 3 games so i think i will get him

I cant win in rivals nevermind win with an assits with a defender.

+Harry Cogan Same for me, except with Valencia

I assisted with robertson and won the game but it didnt count and it was in divison rivals. do you know why?

I was 4 from 4 then 13 without an assist and a couple where i assisted but didnt win finally got him

I can't refresh that much for new teams with SB only ones so many hours

I put my FUTB'day Lukaku at CAM in-game and subbed in a CB. took 6 games to complete (3 rage-quits, 2 full games, 1 loss)

+TSO MoNsTeR I played a guy today with a very attacking squad, his 3 CB were VVD, David Luiz and Lukaku, clearly the guy wanted the best shooting on every player possible. That's another use

+INF. IcyNas I had Lukaku at CB to get full chem, then needed to replace him when I put him up at CAM

What do you subbed in a cb?

+TSO MoNsTeR tell me about it!

Could anyone do mine for me I could pay if u do it??

E Fletch11 $20, you need to have a playable team

+GUNNER I can do it, whats your #?

Don’t have my Xbox atm which is an F

Will Fut Birthday Salah count as a defender? Or Midfielder

Haber id do gomis for tots sbc

England 1 Iceland 2 test Nat type ez

Thx for the help bro but I’ve been struggling with the Digne obj & Henderson a bit

The only way u can do Digne for me put Valencia for corners but EA are stupid why does it have to be an assist with defenders can’t it be score 5 goals or headers with defenders in 5 separate wins and I wish I did that lukaku sbc

I just used Robertson Lw and Valencia rw with offensive chemstyle very easy

I did lukaku and flashback David Luiz so switched them to cam and cm in game and did it in 6games

Not everyone have lukaku cb

Thanks so much, completed in ONE game. I used a front three of Sterling + Rashford + Red Townsend with Lingard at CAM

+lIlIlIlIlIl IlIlIlIlIlIl IlIlIlIlIlI lIlIlIlIlIlI i use both, i only bring digne in on rb

+Rgzz 1 worth the games he's excellent

+Rgzz 1 I was too took me few games

I use flashback David Luiz and fut birthday lukaku

Can you play fortnite again

Can you put the defenders at left wing

Home wins. Do it dude. Noone wants to play silver squads. I recommened u do do it.

Red 19 or just. Golden goal. Ten times easier

Yeah but everyone just leaves if they get the away bit it’s just stupid

I like the vid but i dont like that you support coins sellers anyone know if lb salah or cb lukaku work? Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

- Buy Cheap Fifa Coins & Open Packs : bit. ly/2X62gJ0 Use "Haber" For 5% OFF!

Fifa 19, Ultimate team, TOTS Weekly Objectives, TOTS Declan Rice, TOTS Rice, TOTS Lucas Digne, TOTS Digne, Objectives, Quick, How to complete, Fastest way to complete, Quickest method

►► Business Email: itshaberbusiness@gmail. com

►► Check out GTOmega! Use code "Haber" for 5% off! www. gtomegaracing. com

►► Become a Member here: brreporter. com/block-UCR-W.

►► Second Channel:

Brreporter. com/block-UCAi7.


-Twitch: www. twitch. tv/itshaber

-Twitter: twitter. com/Itshaber

-Instagram: instagram. com/ryanhaberyt/

-Snapchat: Ryanbrett55

-Join My Discord: discord. gg/Qfjcjg





I did it with RTTF alonso and just played him at striker and hes actually a really good striker

Christoffer Grøsfjeld 21 minuto atrás

I did the digne with Valencia and put him om the wing in game so he was in attack alot

Glen Richardson 34 minutos atrás

I dont know how World Class is so easy for everybody. They push my shit in on that difficulty.

Laoise is my sister Vote rebel acro Hora atrás

Why would you wanna do HIM🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

Owen Patterson Hora atrás

Or the squad battles one you can just be good at the game

Malcom_ Moulare 3 horas atrás

I dont play Rivals so i am in division 9🤓to do this challenges

I need help - I’ve assisted over 15 goals with English players on squad battles but it’s stuck saying I only have 7

Not watched this vid, just put my fullbacks at lam and ram in game, did it in 5 games

I did it with fut champs lindelof

I'm in div 3 and I got done him in 3 games

Hyper420NOSCOPER A. K.A HONEYBEAR 2 horas atrás

Louis Gould 5 horas atrás

Anyone wanna help me on ps4

Anxiexty 1906 5 horas atrás

Nice i will get this card and send him on sbc

Kermit Thanos 6 horas atrás

I put the defenders in in midfield or strikers

Mccree is king 7 horas atrás

LOL My team is future star clavert future star foden and flashback sturridge

Little hint for you: Use 5-3-2, best formation for this

Kyle Irving 8 horas atrás

I can’t refresh my opponents in sbs

Thanks for the advice. What’s your opinion on Desailly?

My leighton baines flashback got every assist from crosses and corners

Lewis 2004 10 horas atrás

Put your LB to LWB and play LWB as LW and same with RB and u still get defender assist

So rice can be unlocked by playing sb games instead of rivals as they described it.

Jonas Larsen 10 horas atrás

So if I start Alonso on LB and move him to LM do the assist count?

Izaiah Martinez 8 horas atrás

Lil Brexit 11 horas atrás

Tyrone mings The scream card is Absolutely beast with 99 pace and 99 crossing and 99 passing i try him lw he is the best to do with

Aissam Chbab 11 horas atrás

Is was struggeling but with This i got 2 in a row thankyou very much

Xluishrx X 11 horas atrás

I like the vid but i dont like that you support coins sellers

Bade Ayoade 12 horas atrás

I got this easy with a Jesse as CAM from England for Rice and Using Leighton Baines on CAM for Digne.

Rice was so easy, i did it in just 1 game only, 15-0 lol

Alexander Perdelis 13 horas atrás

Just use a team with right and left wing backs in RW and LW easy

My attack is - Sterling Potm ST Vardy Potm and salah so I'm sorted

I played 8 games and assisted in each game with a deffender, but 5 of the games ended up with a draw 😓

I found digne and fraser normal in a pack. Will fifa replace them with their tots version? (Fifa has done this with rodrigo and onana last week)

SouLStealeR 15 horas atrás

How do i refresh squad battles opponents??

SouLStealeR 12 horas atrás

Laurenz Fritsch 12 horas atrás

In the top Right you have a timer. you can only do it twice a day

SouLStealeR 13 horas atrás

SouLStealeR 15 horas atrás

+Laurenz Fritsch It doesnt show me the option to refresh it. I press r2 but still nothing

Laurenz Fritsch 15 horas atrás

Oh yeah yeah 16 horas atrás

For the defender 1 i made a whole team of defenders

Or just run the whole pitch with wan Bissaka like I do 100% of the time doesn’t work

I got 4 wins in a row for the tots digne challenge, using 3-4-3 with left backs as wingers; set to stay wide and get in behind, and everyone else was set to get into box for cross except for my 3 CB’s and my CDM ( make sure you got someone good at headers and also put catalyst chem styles on the fullbacks for better crosses ) and all set pieces should be by your defenders ✌🏾

Orlando Calderon 17 horas atrás

TOTS Gomis was a nightmare! Online Single Matches in searching players are nowhere to be found. Not many players play in that mode. Using 11 Saudi Professional League players is very bad. They can’t shoot and pass the ball.

Orlando Calderon 16 horas atrás

Alex Gallifa Agree! I get the advantage as home. Took me hours to complete this challenge because too many players are backing out. Only managed to win 1 as Away while the win 4 as Home. Lol.

Alex Gallifa 17 horas atrás

Home wins on discord I did it in 15 mins

You should do trading guides

Jimmy Luna 17 horas atrás

You gained a subscriber with this video, thanks 😄

Bought TOTS Doherty and put him at RW, helped me out a lot.

Ditto Foundation 20 horas atrás

I used fut birthday Lukaku and did the digne objective in only 6 games!

Fernandoo o 21 hora atrás

Completed digne in 2 hours 👌🏻

Oscar Trinidad 22 horas atrás

I've assisted some goals with inform robertson and won the game but it didn't count.

Oscar Trinidad 5 horas atrás

Asroneclums honda yea I did

Asroneclums honda 13 horas atrás

Oscar Trinidad did you win the game?

ORGETS FoDaWin 22 horas atrás

I recommend for Digne TOTS is first of all secure your win by scoring 2 or more goals and then start assisting

ORGETS FoDaWin 11 horas atrás

Well, most people have hope to tie up at that point you need try harder

People will just quit so that you dont get it done

Idk why i watched this video if i dont even play fifa anymore lol

I did the fut birthday lukaku sbc and hes a CB so i just stuck him upfront

I used Sinclair to link to Carniball Weah to link to RTTF Pulisic to do both the FUT swap and Rice at the same time

+My man Paul pogba I can't even remember what I had to do to get him TBH, he's just in my club so I used him

My man Paul pogba Dia atrás

Joshua Liley wish I had weah he would have made it so much easier than using pulisic and Johnson

How do you refresh the squads

Jonas Grünefeld Dia atrás

Which Formation do you play ingame ✌

Sean beavington Dia atrás

Anyone know if lb salah or cb lukaku work?

Tom Lander 17 horas atrás

Thank you so much for this, I went from 0 successes in 12 matches to doing 5 in 7 matches for digne.

Scarlett Andrews Dia atrás

If you got alonso just put him as cam in game. Not hard

My Shrigga, 53 minutos atrás

Is there any point doing it if you have alonso, surely he’s much better than digne in game?

Stick a Van Dijk in dm with schar, and 2 full backs on the wing as they all still get some chem, I done it in like 7 games🙌🏼

Literally won one game 23-0 for Rice😂

My man Paul pogba please relax, never claimed anything like that. Was only saying that everyone will be able to do it easier than they thought.

My man Paul pogba Dia atrás

Lewis Wing yeah against a squad on world class Do u think ur tekx or summt

You could have started 532 so everybody would have been on full chem

I got 2 assists from a right back and it doesn’t count, for digne, does rb count?

Is it possible to put a defender as a striker if the game start after 5 minutes?

I made a full team of England cos it was difficult with 1

oh yeah yeah 16 horas atrás Or the squad battles one you can just be good at the game

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

As with most games these days, Fifa 19 follows a strict schedule of FUT weekly challenges. Many of you are finding the FUT Challenges not working this week. Is there a Fifa 19 Weekly Objectives broken fix? Read on to discover exactly what’s happening and to see whether or not there is a fix for the annoying issue plaguing Fifa 19 this week.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Many Fifa 19 players have taken online to air their grievances at the fact that the FUT Weekly Objectives are broken. Essentially, players are unable to complete the six Weekly challenges in Fifa 19 Ultimate Team this week. Fortunately, however, the developers are aware of the issue.

It’s definitely an annoying bug, as it is stopping players from completing all six challenges and earning the reward. The reward in question is a good one, too. If you complete all six Objectives, you will earn yourself an untradeable Jumbo Rare Players Pack, along with the six other rewards earned for completing the challenges. Is there, however, a fix for the irritating Fifa 19 Weekly Objective broken bug?

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

If you’re struggling to complete the current batch of Weekly Objectives in Fifa 19, we might just have the fix you seek below. A look through Corey Andress’s (EA Sports Community Engagement Team Global manager) Twitter feed tells us that there is a quick fix available that has worked for some players.

According to one commentator (Shaunpro1), there is a quick fix that might just work for you. Apparently, all you need to do is leave Ultimate Team and head back in. This should hopefully fix the broken Objectives for you. Unfortunately, the fix doesn’t seem to work with The Perfectionist Objective for most. Mr. Andress, however, has stated that he “will be sure to forward that one to the team.”

Although there is a quick fix available, it hasn’t worked for everyone. It seems like, unfortunately, you will need to wait for the Weekly Objectives to be fixed via a quick patch or during any server downtime. Fingers crossed the Weekly Objectives are fixed before the next batch goes live in a couple of days.

Many Fifa 19 players have taken online to air their grievances at the fact that the FUT Weekly Objectives are broken. Essentially, players are unable to complete the six Weekly challenges in Fifa 19 Ultimate Team this week. Fortunately, however, the developers are aware of the issue. FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives It’s definitely an annoying bug, as it is stopping players from completing all six challenges and earning the reward. The reward in question is a good one, too. If you complete all six Objectives, you will earn yourself an untradeable Jumbo Rare Players Pack, along with the six other rewards earned for completing the challenges. Is there, however, a fix for the irritating Fifa 19 Weekly Objective broken bug? Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

As with most games these days, Fifa 19 follows a strict schedule of FUT weekly challenges. Many of you are finding the FUT Challenges not working this week. Is there a Fifa 19 Weekly Objectives broken fix? Read on to discover exactly what’s happening and to see whether or not there is a fix for the annoying issue plaguing Fifa 19 this week.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Many Fifa 19 players have taken online to air their grievances at the fact that the FUT Weekly Objectives are broken. Essentially, players are unable to complete the six Weekly challenges in Fifa 19 Ultimate Team this week. Fortunately, however, the developers are aware of the issue.

It’s definitely an annoying bug, as it is stopping players from completing all six challenges and earning the reward. The reward in question is a good one, too. If you complete all six Objectives, you will earn yourself an untradeable Jumbo Rare Players Pack, along with the six other rewards earned for completing the challenges. Is there, however, a fix for the irritating Fifa 19 Weekly Objective broken bug?

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

If you’re struggling to complete the current batch of Weekly Objectives in Fifa 19, we might just have the fix you seek below. A look through Corey Andress’s (EA Sports Community Engagement Team Global manager) Twitter feed tells us that there is a quick fix available that has worked for some players.

According to one commentator (Shaunpro1), there is a quick fix that might just work for you. Apparently, all you need to do is leave Ultimate Team and head back in. This should hopefully fix the broken Objectives for you. Unfortunately, the fix doesn’t seem to work with The Perfectionist Objective for most. Mr. Andress, however, has stated that he “will be sure to forward that one to the team.”

Although there is a quick fix available, it hasn’t worked for everyone. It seems like, unfortunately, you will need to wait for the Weekly Objectives to be fixed via a quick patch or during any server downtime. Fingers crossed the Weekly Objectives are fixed before the next batch goes live in a couple of days.

Many Fifa 19 players have taken online to air their grievances at the fact that the FUT Weekly Objectives are broken. Essentially, players are unable to complete the six Weekly challenges in Fifa 19 Ultimate Team this week. Fortunately, however, the developers are aware of the issue. FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives If you’re struggling to complete the current batch of Weekly Objectives in Fifa 19, we might just have the fix you seek below. A look through Corey Andress’s (EA Sports Community Engagement Team Global manager) Twitter feed tells us that there is a quick fix available that has worked for some players. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

- Buy Cheap Fifa Coins & Open Packs : bit. ly/2X62gJ0 Use "Haber" For 5% OFF!

Fifa 19, Ultimate team, TOTS Weekly Objectives, TOTS Declan Rice, TOTS Rice, TOTS Lucas Digne, TOTS Digne, Objectives, Quick, How to complete, Fastest way to complete, Quickest method

►► Business Email: itshaberbusiness@gmail. com

►► Check out GTOmega! Use code "Haber" for 5% off! www. gtomegaracing. com

►► Become a Member here: ru-tv. org/ch/UCR-W.

►► Second Channel:

Ru-tv. org/ch/UCAi7.


-Twitch: www. twitch. tv/itshaber

-Twitter: twitter. com/Itshaber

-Instagram: instagram. com/ryanhaberyt/

-Snapchat: Ryanbrett55

-Join My Discord: discord. gg/Qfjcjg





I did it with RTTF alonso and just played him at striker and hes actually a really good striker

I did the digne with Valencia and put him om the wing in game so he was in attack alot

I dont know how World Class is so easy for everybody. They push my shit in on that difficulty.

Why would you wanna do HIM🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

Or the squad battles one you can just be good at the game

I dont play Rivals so i am in division 9🤓to do this challenges

I need help - I’ve assisted over 15 goals with English players on squad battles but it’s stuck saying I only have 7

Not watched this vid, just put my fullbacks at lam and ram in game, did it in 5 games

I did it with fut champs lindelof

I'm in div 3 and I got done him in 3 games

Anyone wanna help me on ps4

Nice i will get this card and send him on sbc

I put the defenders in in midfield or strikers

LOL My team is future star clavert future star foden and flashback sturridge

Little hint for you: Use 5-3-2, best formation for this

I can’t refresh my opponents in sbs

Thanks for the advice. What’s your opinion on Desailly?

My leighton baines flashback got every assist from crosses and corners

Put your LB to LWB and play LWB as LW and same with RB and u still get defender assist

So rice can be unlocked by playing sb games instead of rivals as they described it.

So if I start Alonso on LB and move him to LM do the assist count?

Tyrone mings The scream card is Absolutely beast with 99 pace and 99 crossing and 99 passing i try him lw he is the best to do with

Is was struggeling but with This i got 2 in a row thankyou very much

I like the vid but i dont like that you support coins sellers

I got this easy with a Jesse as CAM from England for Rice and Using Leighton Baines on CAM for Digne.

Rice was so easy, i did it in just 1 game only, 15-0 lol

Just use a team with right and left wing backs in RW and LW easy

My attack is - Sterling Potm ST Vardy Potm and salah so I'm sorted

I played 8 games and assisted in each game with a deffender, but 5 of the games ended up with a draw 😓

I found digne and fraser normal in a pack. Will fifa replace them with their tots version? (Fifa has done this with rodrigo and onana last week)

How do i refresh squad battles opponents??

In the top Right you have a timer. you can only do it twice a day

+Laurenz Fritsch It doesnt show me the option to refresh it. I press r2 but still nothing

For the defender 1 i made a whole team of defenders

Or just run the whole pitch with wan Bissaka like I do 100% of the time doesn’t work

I got 4 wins in a row for the tots digne challenge, using 3-4-3 with left backs as wingers; set to stay wide and get in behind, and everyone else was set to get into box for cross except for my 3 CB’s and my CDM ( make sure you got someone good at headers and also put catalyst chem styles on the fullbacks for better crosses ) and all set pieces should be by your defenders ✌🏾

TOTS Gomis was a nightmare! Online Single Matches in searching players are nowhere to be found. Not many players play in that mode. Using 11 Saudi Professional League players is very bad. They can’t shoot and pass the ball.

Alex Gallifa Agree! I get the advantage as home. Took me hours to complete this challenge because too many players are backing out. Only managed to win 1 as Away while the win 4 as Home. Lol.

Home wins on discord I did it in 15 mins

You should do trading guides

You gained a subscriber with this video, thanks 😄

Bought TOTS Doherty and put him at RW, helped me out a lot.

I used fut birthday Lukaku and did the digne objective in only 6 games!

Completed digne in 2 hours 👌🏻

I've assisted some goals with inform robertson and won the game but it didn't count.

Asroneclums honda yea I did

Oscar Trinidad did you win the game?

I recommend for Digne TOTS is first of all secure your win by scoring 2 or more goals and then start assisting

Well, most people have hope to tie up at that point you need try harder

People will just quit so that you dont get it done

Idk why i watched this video if i dont even play fifa anymore lol

I did the fut birthday lukaku sbc and hes a CB so i just stuck him upfront

I used Sinclair to link to Carniball Weah to link to RTTF Pulisic to do both the FUT swap and Rice at the same time

+My man Paul pogba I can't even remember what I had to do to get him TBH, he's just in my club so I used him

Joshua Liley wish I had weah he would have made it so much easier than using pulisic and Johnson

How do you refresh the squads

Which Formation do you play ingame ✌

Anyone know if lb salah or cb lukaku work?

Thank you so much for this, I went from 0 successes in 12 matches to doing 5 in 7 matches for digne.

If you got alonso just put him as cam in game. Not hard

Is there any point doing it if you have alonso, surely he’s much better than digne in game?

Stick a Van Dijk in dm with schar, and 2 full backs on the wing as they all still get some chem, I done it in like 7 games🙌🏼

Literally won one game 23-0 for Rice😂

My man Paul pogba please relax, never claimed anything like that. Was only saying that everyone will be able to do it easier than they thought.

Lewis Wing yeah against a squad on world class Do u think ur tekx or summt

You could have started 532 so everybody would have been on full chem

I got 2 assists from a right back and it doesn’t count, for digne, does rb count?

Is it possible to put a defender as a striker if the game start after 5 minutes?

I made a full team of England cos it was difficult with 1

I did these in the first day

It's so easy. Digne today done. Yesterday rice. I can't believe people can not do it

+jack smith I'm in division one as well. When you play smart you can get is easy.

Fifamaster16 fifaking taking me ages because I’m in div 1. It’s easy in low divisions

I got all the assists for digne but people kept doing a glitch where I don't get the assists

+HalpinV1 your so ignorant you think I can't read I was winning then they quit don't talk when you don't know shit

You have to win the game too, there’s no “glitch” shut up

I Just use the Europa league Marcos Alonso on corners and free kicks and set up my teammates

Well in my actual starting 11, I have Shearer, POTM Sterling and red fut champs Dwight Gayle (ST Version) on the bench so I can use them 3 and I have Kyle walker in RB too.

A smart love is to swap in them as cam

On digne i used team of the season Alderweireld Insane passes

Would it work if I had fut birthday salah but in game moved him to right wing.

You could put your full backs to LWB and RWB then put them in a 433 position at LW and RW

Thomas Hall 7 chem shouldn’t be to bad depending on the defenders you use, and you can always use stats boosts 👍🏻

Does having defenders out of position work? As I was thinking of doing this.

TOTS Rice was very easy. If you can find an opponent that has a 1 star team with a very poor chemistry then you should be good. AI is a freaking cheater. Bronze GK blocks all of my 90+ rated strikers shot.

Orlando Calderon Few weeks ago there was one team with KDB in goal, man this was unreal what this guy saved! I mean I still won 12-0 (worldclass) but you could feel the scripting harder than ever (for me atleast lol)

My gullit gets pushed off the ball by Lee Doon Gook..uhm okey seems legit

+lircoc yup, my opponent have a Piatek xd

And the goalie sometimes is a cdm

This shit is fucken hard for me lmao I been struggling I only get 86-90 rated teams

I am and I am sorry I can explain, I am late because I needed to do some stuff sorry bro!😬😬😬❤❤❤🔥. It's a great Video though

It took me 5 games which isn’t that bad

Can you use defenders in offensive positions

It's actually pretty easy to get tots digne. you can play 5 sb games in beginner as your difficulty because the weekly objective doesn't have a min. difficulty. hope this helps for everyone

Oh my bad. i read the objective wrongly. sorry guys

Nigga thought he outsmarted everyone tryna get digne

Sharvesh Kelvin you need to do it in Division Rivals.

A smart move would be to let your fullbacks take the corners as well

What I did was use custom tactics and changed my Valencia to RW and cause I’ve got Future star joelinton at ST I was just headed all of them

Aaron 03 Scream Tyrone mings at corners 99 passing and a defender

Pauwel Kwakzalver tots sissoko taking corners for me

I played with a full English team, won the first game 11-0, only managed to get 4 assists from it. the amount of times that the ball hit the post and my players scored rebounds. the game really doesn’t want me to get the assists 😂

BENndOWEN7 keeper saves them and score tap ins, off post and players get tap ins, had a pen as well, drives me mad 😂

+BENndOWEN7 rebound off post no assist

How didn’t u get 11 assists if u scored 11 goals?😂

I won my fist 8-0 and got 6 assists

+Limpy Wrath yeah I used prime moment shearer, Gerrard, Moore and red sterling but couldn't get those assists

I made digne the way that i put mendy in lw and put sane in lb and then swaped back

I used fut birthday salah

The way to do the xbox glitch is by Jk Great video btw

Tots digne or Robertson if 86?

+Bobs0707gaming 1 i think Digne is better with those stats.

+Bobs0707gaming 1 so robertson is better then Digne? 😲😏

Use robertson but bring Digne on for left back he plays well there

I have got 3 out of 5 for digne in 3 games so i think i will get him

I cant win in rivals nevermind win with an assits with a defender.

+Harry Cogan Same for me, except with Valencia

I assisted with robertson and won the game but it didnt count and it was in divison rivals. do you know why?

I was 4 from 4 then 13 without an assist and a couple where i assisted but didnt win finally got him

I can't refresh that much for new teams with SB only ones so many hours

I put my FUTB'day Lukaku at CAM in-game and subbed in a CB. took 6 games to complete (3 rage-quits, 2 full games, 1 loss)

+TSO MoNsTeR I played a guy today with a very attacking squad, his 3 CB were VVD, David Luiz and Lukaku, clearly the guy wanted the best shooting on every player possible. That's another use

+INF. IcyNas I had Lukaku at CB to get full chem, then needed to replace him when I put him up at CAM

What do you subbed in a cb?

+TSO MoNsTeR tell me about it!

Could anyone do mine for me I could pay if u do it??

E Fletch11 $20, you need to have a playable team

+GUNNER I can do it, whats your #?

Don’t have my Xbox atm which is an F

Will Fut Birthday Salah count as a defender? Or Midfielder

Haber id do gomis for tots sbc

England 1 Iceland 2 test Nat type ez

Thx for the help bro but I’ve been struggling with the Digne obj & Henderson a bit

The only way u can do Digne for me put Valencia for corners but EA are stupid why does it have to be an assist with defenders can’t it be score 5 goals or headers with defenders in 5 separate wins and I wish I did that lukaku sbc

I just used Robertson Lw and Valencia rw with offensive chemstyle very easy

I did lukaku and flashback David Luiz so switched them to cam and cm in game and did it in 6games

Not everyone have lukaku cb

Thanks so much, completed in ONE game. I used a front three of Sterling + Rashford + Red Townsend with Lingard at CAM

+lIlIlIlIlIl IlIlIlIlIlIl IlIlIlIlIlI lIlIlIlIlIlI i use both, i only bring digne in on rb

+Rgzz 1 worth the games he's excellent

+Rgzz 1 I was too took me few games

I use flashback David Luiz and fut birthday lukaku

Can you play fortnite again

Can you put the defenders at left wing

Home wins. Do it dude. Noone wants to play silver squads. I recommened u do do it.

Red 19 or just. Golden goal. Ten times easier

Yeah but everyone just leaves if they get the away bit it’s just stupid

I played 8 games and assisted in each game with a deffender, but 5 of the games ended up with a draw 😓 I did it with fut champs lindelof Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

For the defender 1 i made a whole team of defenders

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Or just run the whole pitch with wan Bissaka like I do 100% of the time doesn’t work

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

I got 4 wins in a row for the tots digne challenge, using 3-4-3 with left backs as wingers; set to stay wide and get in behind, and everyone else was set to get into box for cross except for my 3 CB’s and my CDM ( make sure you got someone good at headers and also put catalyst chem styles on the fullbacks for better crosses ) and all set pieces should be by your defenders ✌🏾

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

TOTS Gomis was a nightmare! Online Single Matches in searching players are nowhere to be found. Not many players play in that mode. Using 11 Saudi Professional League players is very bad. They can’t shoot and pass the ball.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Alex Gallifa Agree! I get the advantage as home. Took me hours to complete this challenge because too many players are backing out. Only managed to win 1 as Away while the win 4 as Home. Lol.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Home wins on discord I did it in 15 mins

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

You should do trading guides

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

You gained a subscriber with this video, thanks 😄

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Bought TOTS Doherty and put him at RW, helped me out a lot.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

I used fut birthday Lukaku and did the digne objective in only 6 games!

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Completed digne in 2 hours 👌🏻

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

I've assisted some goals with inform robertson and won the game but it didn't count.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Asroneclums honda yea I did

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Oscar Trinidad did you win the game?

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

I recommend for Digne TOTS is first of all secure your win by scoring 2 or more goals and then start assisting

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Well, most people have hope to tie up at that point you need try harder

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

People will just quit so that you dont get it done

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Idk why i watched this video if i dont even play fifa anymore lol

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

I did the fut birthday lukaku sbc and hes a CB so i just stuck him upfront

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

I used Sinclair to link to Carniball Weah to link to RTTF Pulisic to do both the FUT swap and Rice at the same time

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

+My man Paul pogba I can't even remember what I had to do to get him TBH, he's just in my club so I used him

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives

Joshua Liley wish I had weah he would have made it so much easier than using pulisic and Johnson

I used Sinclair to link to Carniball Weah to link to RTTF Pulisic to do both the FUT swap and Rice at the same time FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards: FUT Birthday Squad, Weekly Objectives, Prime Icons and SBC s, fifa 19 weekly objectives I used fut birthday Lukaku and did the digne objective in only 6 games!

So you want to get a new player from the weekly objectives or maybe you just want to get some swap players so you can still work towards getting an untradeable RM Makélélé, well I'm here to help you towards you goals with a little effort as possible. I'm going to assume you want all the objectives (even the balls) as soon as possible so with that said lets get down to business.

EFL Players

Now lets start off easy and get two EFL players out of the way, you will need to build a EFL championship team which only features English silver players & you will only be playing Online single matches. At the moment prices are not too bad and even if you do have to pay a bit you can probably get the money back after you have won the 5 games.

For the objective you are purely just looking to win games, nothing special just get the win.

Winning 4 games will reward you with – Max Aarons

Winning 5 game will reward you with – Teemu Pukki

Squad Battles

Good news you can now sell all the silvers you bought and start using your main team again.

For this stage you will need to play at least 2 squad battles games on professional difficulty or higher and will need 1-3 fairly decent strikers / finishers who are from the Republic of Ireland ( I personally bought Walters Ipswich card for 900 coins). Now you will need to score at least 2 goals a game with your ROI players, dont worry if you cant fit them in your team you can sub them on at the start.

For the objective's you are looking to win 2 games by at least 2 goals and score a total of 7 goals using ROI players, In an ideal world you would want to play 2 games and win 3- 0 and 4-0 scoring all goals with ROI players.

Winning 2 SB games by 2 goals gives you – James Norwood

Scoring 7 goals in SB games with ROI players gives you = James Collins

** Bonus Opportunity **

If you're winning well and have time left you can use this opportunity to sub on a Champions League rare player, all you have to do is get 1 goal with this player in 4 separate games in ANY FUT game mode.

Ball unlock – assuming you have only won your first EFL games by 1 goal (or made your opponent rage quit) you will now be the proud owner of a Adidas UCL finale ball.

Now assuming you have been lucky buy this point you should have 4 shiny new PoTY cards and made some progress to getting a FUT swap player. Now to get these FS players so you can continue towards your base icon, assuming you subbed on your UCL rare player you need 2 more wins at this stage. We are going to be going online again as we need to win 3 more online games.

Now the objectives we are going for are to win 8 online games, you already have 5 wins from the EFL players before so you now only need 3 online wins and during those 3 games you are looking to score 1 goal with a UCL rare player, dont worry if they dont fit in your starting line-up you can sub them on.

Scoring with a UCL rare player in 4 different wins will give you – Swap deals player I.

Winning 8 online games will give you – Swap deals player II.

Last ball unlock – You just need to play 2 friendly season matches, no need to win just play 2 games with a mate and have them quit after 10 ingame minutes, doing this will give you the Adidas UCL Finale winter ball.

Thats pretty much it, best case scenario you have played and won 10 games, got 4 new players, 2 FUT swap players and a nice new pair of shiny balls. Hopefully this was helpful to some people who are a bit restricted on time this week.

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© Post "Most efficient way to get all weekly objectives." for game FIFA 19.

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Ball unlock – assuming you have only won your first EFL games by 1 goal (or made your opponent rage quit) you will now be the proud owner of a Adidas UCL finale ball. Scoring 7 goals in SB games with ROI players gives you = James Collins
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